HW#3 Walker Evans Photo Response

The photographic style of Walker Evans’ portrait photographs of subway riders are some professional looking photos given the way the photos were taken. Respects to him for having the guts to “secretly” take photos of these people because if such thing were to happen like this in this day is age I don’t think the outcome would have been successful like it was for Evans. Being that these photos were taken during the Depression Era many of the people have serious, annoyed and bored expressions, so I would think that they wouldn’t have cared. They probably saw Evans as this weird dude sitting across from them and probably wanted to avoid him. I personally wouldn’t have done something like this because it is a risky thing to do and in days like these you really don’t know what someone is capable of doing in response of this. Though I would say that the expression on these riders face are much like what I see today, the only difference is that instead of reading a newspaper they are on their phones playing a game.

About Geneva Finklea

Hi my name is Geneva, I'm a junior at the City Tech studying Advertising Design. Passion for designing and stylizing anything. Love doing hands on activities and I'm open to learning, experiencing and trying new things.
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