HW.2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

The articles named “Civil War Cooking: What the Union Soldiers Ate”, and “How Coffee Fueled the Civil War” were interesting and it was so sad to know that there were not many options for the soldiers about their daily diet. They kept on getting the same menu repeatedly for the entire war. The most fascinating thing about a Civil War soldier’s diet is that they had the same menu for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Also it was fascinating to know that Union troops made their coffee with everything, with “water from canteen and puddles, brackish bays, and even with Mississippi mud, liquid their horses would not drink”. This gives a strong sense of how much the soldiers loved their coffee. Some soldiers referred coffee as ‘nerve tonic’, ‘weapon of war’, etc. Civil War soldiers had no choice other than meat, potatoes, and their addictive coffee. If I had a choice, I would give up coffee instead of food because from my opinion coffee acts as a stimulant, which only gives you a boost for a quite amount of time. The food item that I cannot live without is porotta and beef fry.


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