
Reservoir Dogs “The Commode Story”

http://The Commode Story

For my Flashback scene I choose Reservoir Dogs which is  Quentin Tarrantino’s first feature film. This scene is about a guy trying to convince his crew that he’s made out to work for them, and to gain their trust he tells them a story. He starts by telling his made up story and when he gets to the peak of the story, it turns into a (fake) flashback where you are placed in the bathroom with him. This is displays classic Tarrantino, which has great script, intense scene, some humor, and nonlinear sequence.  I love this scene because it is full of suspense and filled with so much tension between him, and the cops. The part where it flashes back has been editing into black and white, which I think is helpful to differentiate the present to past.  It is hard to explain more without giving away the film or ending. I won’t give any more spoilers but if you haven’t seen this movie do your self a favor and watch it. Warning: There are some curse words.