Author Archives: zhiwei lin

Homework #4 by zhiwei lin

I think RoberI think Robert Frank’s photographs are artistic. What his picture has realized is the daily life of people in that era. These pictures are like a history book. Record people’s lives, street scenes, and the whole community. People are always … Continue reading

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HW #3 Food Photography by zhiwei lin

感恩节快乐!  现在人们喜欢拍摄食物并在社交媒体上发帖  。  这是分享你的生活给你的朋友的一种方式。  作为一个中国人,我的家人没有庆祝传统的感恩节。 但作为一个节日。我们经常选择吃火锅。  人们聚集在一个用木炭,电或气充满美味和营养的汤底煮沸的小锅。你可以选择辛辣,纯净和汤底的组合。 如果你足够冒险,基本上可以用火锅做饭。  分享食物照片。让你和朋友更亲密。因为好像你在一起吃饭。 温暖的食物图像使人们有更多的食欲。 凉爽的照片给食物一个额外的颜色和魅力。  当我和家人一起吃火锅的时候,我分享了这张照片。我更喜欢火锅里的海鲜。我喜欢海鲜。 

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zhiwei lin HW#2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

For a soldier in the civil war, marched all day in the grueling heat, should be very exhausted. The food is very important to them. Without food and water an army soon disintegrates into nothing more than a lot of … Continue reading

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zhiwei lin HW 1: Photography, Selfies, and Cindy Sherman

Photography is one of my favorite art forms. first of all, photography is a way of expression and communication. And Selfies is a most straightforward way to express ourselves. when you take a selfie, that was a new person you … Continue reading

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