Photography is a work of art, and the best part photography is you do not have to be a professional photographer to capture a picture. Their are different types of technologies to capture photos, such as digital cameras, smart phones, and laptops. Most people take selfies on their cellphones for social media, which is another way to connect with friends, and family alPhotography is a work of art, and the best part photography is you do not have to be a professional photographer to capture a picture. Their are different types of technologies to capture photos, such as digital cameras, smart phones, and laptops. Most people take selfies on their cellphones for social media, which is another way to connect with friends, and family all over the world. A lot of people actually become famous on social media by taking crazy, funny, and scary photos. I actually like to post photos of my son, positive quotes, and food on my social media accounts. From the outside looking in I am showing my truth, people may believe anything I post is real depending on the type of relationships I have with my viewers. In this new day in age with a click of a button I could be living in on the beach in Ireland, married to a billionaire with five kids if the photo is altered correctly anyone who does not know me will believe im living the go life. Photograph once told the truth about what it captured behind a camera, but now we can alter photos such as Cindy Sherman photos. When I looked at Cindy Sherman selfies on Instagram I see a woman capturing photos of herself and altering the photos into her own beautiful imperfections. l over the world. A lot of people actually become famous on social media by taking crazy, funny, and scary photos. Photograph once told the truth about what it captured behind a camera, but now we can alter photos such as Cindy Sherman photos. When I looked at Cindy Sherman selfies on Instagram I see a woman capturing photos of herself and altering the photos into her own beautiful imperfections.
Contact Information
Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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