I like the schematic. The VHDL code was really good. Using the 7-segment displays to display a number in order and applying it to giving ticket numbers in restaurants. Good idea. Overall, good presentation
Good project and good presentation. It will be better if more numbers could be display for this because a restaurant of 10 won’t sell much! Great project!
Another great idea and useful ; who never makes a line at a restaurant?Good job .But please for next time use at least 3 “7-segment “to display a bigger number, because I believe that this system will interest mostly bigger restaurant .They don’t have only 10 persons waiting line !
I like how this could actually be applied in the real world. It was a bit more simplistic than the rest of the project, but then again not everything has to be complicated to be innovative. Good job!
The presentation was decent. As for the project, it should be modified so that you don’t have to use the switch, but instead use to separate buttons, one for incrementing and the other for decrementing. Another modification is to use the switches to choose how much to increment/decrement by.
I like the schematic. The VHDL code was really good. Using the 7-segment displays to display a number in order and applying it to giving ticket numbers in restaurants. Good idea. Overall, good presentation
Good idea, although this concept is good for small restaurants.
Good project and good presentation. It will be better if more numbers could be display for this because a restaurant of 10 won’t sell much! Great project!
The idea of making this project to work in a restaurant was really good.
useful application. nice job!
Nice project, even give out some real world usage when presenting.
good idea for a useful application
good project, good information and good slides.
nice presentation it was a great idea
good presentation, well organized
Great idea of it being used at restaurants.
Another great idea and useful ; who never makes a line at a restaurant?Good job .But please for next time use at least 3 “7-segment “to display a bigger number, because I believe that this system will interest mostly bigger restaurant .They don’t have only 10 persons waiting line !
I like how this could actually be applied in the real world. It was a bit more simplistic than the rest of the project, but then again not everything has to be complicated to be innovative. Good job!
Great explanation of the procedure. could be expanded and used at larger grounds. good job
The presentation was decent. As for the project, it should be modified so that you don’t have to use the switch, but instead use to separate buttons, one for incrementing and the other for decrementing. Another modification is to use the switches to choose how much to increment/decrement by.
Try to aim for 10 to 15 minutes like expected and not less.
i think this was an add on from one of our lab
great presentation with a well organized low of the code and the system used.
useful application and good presentation.
Great presentation very interesting