business letter


Tim Cook, CEO

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014


Dear Mr. Tim Cook,

I am a long time Apple customer starting from when you had Macintosh computers. I have always been satisfied with the products your company sold until now. Your latest product which consumers have been long awaiting, the Iphone 5, is a complete duplicate of the Iphone 4. Your company has not fulfilled its promise to revolutionize the next generation phone.

We as customers and supporters of your company were expecting something different. Your business strategy might be great for business, but it is not fair for us. We pay hundreds of dollars and feel so overwhelmed when your latest products come out, and Apple fails to live to its reputation. The camera for instance, is still the same and hasn’t gotten any better. The 8 megapixel camera was on Android phones long before the Iphone finally got it on their devices. The phones are finally on a 4G network, but the internet is still slow and I personally see no difference since I am an everyday web user. The battery life is supposed to get better, but I still end up losing charge in the middle of the day. Apple needs to understand, if we have a phone that does so many things like play games, listen to music, browse the web, and multitask on the phone, that we will definitely take advantage of all this. They need to give us a long lasting battery.

Why should we make your company rich if we are not profiting ourselves at the end of the day? Your job should be to give the consumers what they want. Samsung has successfully done that and that is why a lot of customers have switched mobile devices. I still haven’t given up on you and believe you can make this happen. I am not looking for compensation, but do expect better from a company who I have supported and watched grow for many years. I hope you don’t continue to disappoint.

Yours truly,

Mohammed Alam

632 Ocean Pkwy

Brooklyn, NY 11230


2 thoughts on “business letter

  1. Mohammed Alam
    632 Ocean Pkwy
    Brooklyn, NY 11230


    Dear Mr. Alam,

    My name is Marcin Jaworski and I’m a manager of development office at Apple. I’m writing this letter as a response to your letter, which you send to Mr. Tim Cook on 09/15/2012. I understand that you feel angry and we are very grateful that you are our customer and that you appreciate the quality of our products.

    The Iphone5 is not complete duplicate of the Iphone4 as you wrote in your letter. Iphone5 has better camera which is 8 megapixels and on Iphone4 it was 5 megapixels. Also the processor which is used in Iphone5 is much faster than the processor which is used in Iphone4. The size of the screen in Iphone5 is bigger than the screen in Iphone4 by .5 inch. So it is not exact duplicate. Not all of our customers will be satisfied by all our products because everyone has different expectations and we understand this.

    Thank you for supporting our company and we apologize for not satisfying your needs and expectations with Iphone5. We hope that soon we will enter the market with really fantastic product which will surprise you.


    Marcin Jaworski

  2. Mohammed Alam
    632 Ocean Pkwy
    Brooklyn, NY 11230


    Dear Mr. Alam,

    My name is Marcin Jaworski and I’m a manager of development office at Apple. I’m writing this letter as a response to your letter, which you send to Mr. Tim Cook on 09/15/2012. I understand that you feel angry and we are very grateful that you are our customer and that you appreciate the quality of our products.

    The Iphone5 is not complete duplicate of the Iphone4 as you wrote in your letter. Iphone5 has better camera which is 8 megapixels and on Iphone4 it was 5 megapixels. Also the processor which is used in Iphone5 is much faster than the processor which is used in Iphone4. The size of the screen in Iphone5 is bigger than the screen in Iphone4 by .5 inch. So it is not exact duplicate. Not all of our customers will be satisfied by all our products because everyone has different expectations and we understand this.

    Thank you for supporting our company and we apologize for not satisfying your needs and expectations with Iphone5. We hope that soon we will enter the market with really fantastic product which will surprise you.


    Marcin Jaworski

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