Updated Schedule!

Hi Everyone,
Due to the classes missed during Hurricane Sandy, here is the updated schedule for the remainder of the semester. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Nov 26 Morrison, 86-111
Nov 28 Morrison, 112-174
Dec 3 Paper 3 draft due—take home peer review, Morrison Continued
Dec 5 Paper 3 peer review due, Morrison continued
Dec 10 Paper 3 due,
Sedaris, “Loggerheads” (handout)
Dec 12 Themes, characters, ideas, conflicts: wrapping up ideas from the semester
Dec 17 Final Exam!
Dec 21 Conferences & Coffee: bring your own coffee (if wanted) and come for discussion about your exam and papers. All items will be graded and available for pickup.

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The starting of the book was so confusing, but as you read on it is making connections, these two different families the Peace and the Wrights. I cannot Waite to get to the end.

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The ending of Passing was not what I expected. I knew somehow that Clare was going to be exposed and I thought it was going to be by Irene. What I did not expect was Irene killing Clare.

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The Ending of Passing

The ending of this book stays a mystery of who pushed Clare out the window. Or was she even pushed? Reading this book I see there was alot of disagreements between Clare and Irene even with such a close friendship. I infered that either someone would get hurt or killed while reading this book with the amount of jealousy that was going back to back. But it was still a shocking ending.

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Passing responce

Reading Passing was… difficult. I cant describe the vain, the disdain, the utter rage this book gave me. The characters are uninteresting, and the story itself is just as bland. it was a battle inside of me to turn the pages with every word putting me to sleep, like a lullaby  that just wouldn’t stop. I am not a fan of books like this, just a story of too women basically living life. there really is nothing unique about them, they are black passing for white, are supposedly gay, witch is still up for interpretation, and are otherwise average people. It should have been titled LIFE THE BOOK. It lacks any conflict that holds my attention, the worst conflict is finding out what people think of you. To someone like me that is utterly despicable. living everyday caring what others think about you is no way to go about it, I don’t care what people think about ME at all, who are they to me? another face and white noise.


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Passing’s Ending

I was not surprised at the way Passing ended. I expected that either Clare or Irene would die. This was like a jealousy of two friends. I felt like Clare envied Irene’s life and felt like she would be more happier if she lived out her life like hers instead of living in a lie (“passing”). Irene’s life wasn’t all “peachy keen” either. Her and her husband went through issues about their kids and especially about Clare. In the end, I believe that Irene pushed Clare out the window because she wanted to get rid of her, once and for all. What a friend …

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Reading Journal : Passing

 Passing was  a interesting writing that made me feel sad in some way the fact that how Clare was acting and the point that racism was something to fear in her relationship I didn’t like it. Her behavior as a white women also I didn’t like because I believe you should be yourself not pretend to be what you are not. Toward the end of the story I sincerely felt neutral toward the death of Clare because I believe that nobody should die like that specially if its because of your mistakes but that assuming that Irene pushed her out that window. 

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Reading journal for Passing(my first one omg!!!)

My first reading journal ever!!! holy crap, hope I still get credit for it. Have to say, the ending of Passing did not surprise me one bit. We all knew Irene was going to finish off Clare one way or another. Clare was just being too disrespectful to both the white and black community and Irene was not having any of it. There were plenty of “foreshadowing to this event in the story too, like how Irene drops a cup and shatters it and says how she always wanted to get rid of it. Irene “pushed” Clare out the window to restore her social order, she’s only human after all. Isn’t that what humans do best? Getting rid of things that disrupts the norm of everyday life?

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Paper 2 Peer Review Guidelines

1) Read your partner’s paper silently to yourself, all the way through.

2) Read the paper again, more slowly. Underline the thesis and write “thesis” in the margin.

3) In the introductory paragraph, identify the main pieces of evidence supporting the thesis. Number them.

4) Now, take a look at the body paragraphs. Put a squiggly line under the topic sentence of each paragraph. After you have done that, take a look back at the evidence introduced in the first paragraph. Does each piece of important evidence get its own paragraph? Is each paragraph about one idea?

5) Take a look at the conclusion. Compare it to the introduction. Do the main ideas match? Make sure the topic and argument haven’t drifted.

6) Looking at the essay together with your partner, read the essay carefully outloud. You might automatically correct mistakes as you speak. Mark any areas where you say something different than what is written, or where you find that you get tangled in the words.

7) Working together with your partner, try using “The Paramedic Method” on a few sentences to clarify and refine the writing.

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End of Passing.

I never expected the end of passing to be like the way it was. Not because it was shocking or sudden, but because a lot of the issues were left unsolved.  Irene was particularly paranoid towards the end and her assumption wasn’t confirmed nor denied. The interesting part to me was if Brian and Clare were really having an affair. I wasn’t really interested and figuring out what would happen if Jack found out that Clare was black. Only because his reaction is expected, he’d be angry and most likely leave her, and Clare  expected, going by what she says, wouldn’t care that much what happens. Although the point of the book was probably not even the least bit about the affair, but I kinda wanted that to be the revelation at the end and how it’ll affect Irene’s relationship with Clare. I don’t think anybody needed to die, that didn’t really solve anything, it just further adds to the questions. Can’t say I’m satisfied but can’t say I’m upset either, it just left me with a “wait what…” kinda reaction simply because it was the one thing that wasn’t expected.

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