Prof. M. Brown | COMD1127 - E038 | Fall 2022

Type Talk Discussion – Rocco Piscatello


A place where we talk about type

Discussion, comments, critiques, opinions on type Throughout  the semester  typographic works  related to projects and assignments will be posted. Students will comment in live synchronous class discussions to try and identify or answer questions related to posted content. Can also be assigned as homework assignments. This is part of class participation grade.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current work examples in typographic industry.
  • Students will develop a sense of current typography trends and be able to discus them with relevant terminology


  • Select one of these expressive type poster designs below you feel work the best by Rocco Piscatello,
  • Comment: Which does NOT work for you and why
  • Post image into gallery below named “lastname firstname_TT_RP. jpg”

Due Date(s)

  • Due during class sessions or by  class meeting time as indicated.


  • Add assignment resources or readings
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  1. Patty G

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    I found this poster to be hard to read. the contrast of the black border overpowered the words. The kerning of the words is a bit too tight, i think the readability would have been benefited by a bit more space. The text reads like one long gibberish sentence.

  2. Brendan Montenegro

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    I think this poster works very well because its very captivating and creative. The H is easily seen and was said to be symbolic of the front door to the gallery by the artist. The H also is the end of the J which is being created by a shadow like background of the H which also includes some featured people.

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    I think this piece does not work because there is too much going on. It’s hard to see the F and you do not know which letters to read first. Even after reading the artist description I still do not know what it is supposed to convey. Very confusing would not recommend.

  3. Patty G

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    I really appreciate the open layout of this design. the bold sans serif font made it very easy to read and get a quick summary about the poster. the contrast of the black and white design pulls the eye immediately to the core text on the poster.

  4. Erick Fiallos

    In this poster it seems to me that the decision to use the same orange color for the text and the background is not correct, it takes time to be able to read what is written in that color and it is easily lost with its own background.

  5. Alice Vidal

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    This image works best because it is intriguing and works with Paula Scher work of being big, bold, and very direct.

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    This image does not work the best, it is not very readable and seems to be compressed. It seems that there is too much repetition with the font so the message gets lost in the poster.

  6. Lorena Galeano


    I did not understand the design of this poster at first. I did not realize the photo on top was suppose to represent the letter A, and I could not tell what the photo was. As well as the poster does not feel balanced with the letter S so large at the bottom and with the text being smaller. This takes away from a dramatic feel.

  7. Lorena Galeano

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  8. Samuel Guzman

    I like this design because it is very simple and straight to the point, the reading process is now a game, connect the words, it is giving you more to read.

    This is not my favorite design because it does get cut off, making it difficult to decipher what it is, or what it may be about.

  9. Erick Fiallos

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    I liked this design, I feel that it works very well, its color palette and font really give it a very elegant but curious touch, and I like that it is a poster to which you must pay attention to decipher its message and that is not simple, because that is the goal of the poster. Overall, a very good execution.

  10. Kambandi

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    i feel that this work good because the first name was on top and the last name was on the bottom


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    This Poster by Rocco Piscatello works through its use of expressive typography. This poster is for a meeting in the amphitheater, Rocco uses the red space with Serious bold type with that could be seen as lighting, movie like, and theatric to relate the poster to its message. Not only does it visually communicate where and what the meeting is about, but the design aspect creates a great poster.

    This poster does not work well in conveying a message. The important text is in small font making it difficult to read. Along with the type choice, the words are not as clear as they could be. If Rocco could use tracking on the words it might have made it easier to read. I don’t understand why the graphic design takes up the whole pages and I don’t see how it relates to the message that is communicated.

  12. gregnazaire

    i picked this image due to its complete lack of ingenuity and lack of a message truly the least of all their works.

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