Class Info
- Date: Tuesday, September 6
- Meeting Info: 6pm – 8:30pm, Rm P122
To-Do Before Class
- Familiarize yourself with Open Lab
- Know how to access fonts from external Sources such as Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts
Introduction to Project 1: Type Book
Multiple page document that will contain basic information about type.
Type Book: Basic Type Vocabulary (page 2)
- Learn how to create an Indesign document. Setting up pages, margins, columns, gutters, guides.
- Develop further comprehension of design and type vocabulary
- Learn basic type terminology:
Baseline/capline/meanline/xheight/lowercase/uppercase/ serif/ascender and ascender line/ descender and descender line/counter/serif or sans serif
Project 1: EXAMPLES
Page Set UP
Start during class:

- General Book Specs: 15 pages
- 8.5″ x 11″ (66 picas x Height: 51 picas)
- landscape
- 5 columns with 1 pica gutter
- Margins:
- top 3p (.5”)
- bottom 3p9 (0.625 in”)
- left 7p6 (1.25”)
- right 3p (.5”)
- Setting up GUIDES

below top margin
- Then we will start to add content to our books
- Go to Page 2 of the document that was created.
On the last column type in the words Type Vocabulary. For now–choose typeface and size. - Starting on the first column and all the way to the end of the 4th column
(1st to 4th column), create a text box with the word Typography. - The baseline of this word aligns with the horizontal guide that we created earlier.
- Select a serif typeface for this world, increase the point size so that the word typography spans form 1 to 4th column.
- Go to Page 2 of the document that was created.
- Then identify the following terms:
Baseline/capline/meanline/xheight/lowercase/uppercase/ serif/ascender and ascender line/ descender and descender line/counter/serif or sans serif
Please refer to this PDF handout for size, margins, and column information
Refer to this PDF with assignment details
We will do this activity today depending on time.
Type Scavenger Hunt: Set up NEW POST that will be used for semester
Set Up Type Scavenger Hunt Post
To-Do After Class

- Select a favorite performer, actor, writer, athlete. Then write a short paragraph bio (no more than five 5 sentences). Bring text to class already in digital form (not handwritten).
- Graphic Assignment 1: Complete Vocabulary (guides, lines and anatomy) page that was started during class:
- Refer to this PDF with assignment details.
- Save your InDesign File and create a PDF file. When exporting ONLY export PAGE 2 ONLY
- Save file: lastname_firstname_vocabulary.pdf
- Assignments not following naming convention will be marked as not done.
- Place PDF file only in Google Drive
Graphic Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive unless indicated otherwise.
Participation Activities are due as indicated (during class or before next class)
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