Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, September 1
  • Meeting Info: 6pm – 8:30pm Rm P114


Main Classification of Typefaces

Quick Reference: Classification of Type PDF


  • Learn about and identify the main classifications of type: Serif, Sans Serif, Scripts and Display
  • How to access a variety of typefaces for use across media (Your computer, other sources such as Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts)
  • Discuss evolving trends in typography such as variable fonts and typography is space.
In Google Fonts, you can select categories and styles.


WATCH: Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press

  • During Class:
    • Select 3 typefaces from Adobe or Google Fonts
    • (One Serif / One Sans Serif / One Script or Handwriting)
    • Download them and install them, then…
    • Go to InDesign. Create a new 11″ x 8.5″ page/ .75″ margins all around /(no facing pages)
    • Create a text box and add the name of your three typefaces, followed by Serif, Sans Serif, Script
    • Highlight the text and increase the pt size to 36 pts.
    • With text still highlighted, apply the actual typeface to each of the names
    • Save the InDesign File.
    • Then Go to File Export>
    • Save as: lastname_firstinitial_typeface_selection_01
    • Format: ADOBE PDF (Print) > Save and Export.
  • Add PDF file to Google Drive Folder (Link to come)
    • Assignments not following proper naming conventions risk being graded as not received.

To-Do After Class

Complete Activity started in class, and post as specified.

Type Talk: Poetry Foundation by Pentagram
Due day before next class 11:30pm

Bring to next class
In preparation for next project: Select a favorite athlete, performer, singer, band, writer, actor, other. Write a short bio about this person (in digital form /no more than 4 sentences).

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