Prof. Joe Brogdon | Fall 2023

Homework for Friday, 9/8

  • WRITE: (250 Words) Â So far in this unit, we have read (and heard) three examples from the genre of the “education narrative.”  Your first essay assignment in this class will be to write in this genre yourself.  So in this discussion forum, I’d like us to have a conversation about what the features of this genre are. Please discuss some of the following:
    • What, from what you’ve seen so far, are the “ingredients” (also known as “conventions”) of the education narrative genre?
    • What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative?
    • What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own?
    • If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing.


  1. Samuelhernandez1

    That we need to get an I dead of what type of topic you want write for example if you want to write about a story of you and your family or about yourself. To start an essay we need to to think in what place we gonna write on, in school an different country for example “maybe I could save my self” by writer writing in two country that is Mexico and United States. The only question that I have is that is gonna be hard writing as a wtriter??

  2. Kymani

    I feel like the best place for me to start my education narrative is going to the place where I began to personally take learning seriously, in view of the fact I know that this was the time in my life where I can get the full educational experience. The only concern I have with writing an educational narrative of my educational narrative is actually finding that place I was referring to. Going down memory lane for this project seems like it can be a bit challenging to me, but I know that for me it will be necessary to get the proper narrative out of me.

  3. Gizelle Gooden

    The education narrative is dependent on the reader to learn about the writers drive for telling us their story. Some writings can start with a backstory or something significant that played a massive role in the writer’s life, something that changed their way of thinking. In the 3rd example story we learn about a young child who doesn’t fit into either categories of his life, being American or Mexican but not relating to either side enough to be considered as one or the other. He explains how he uses his new found love of poems as an outlet for himself to be able to express his true feelings. The writer uses his poems to allow people in similar circumstances to his to know that they aren’t the only ones struggling with feeling out placed in society. My hope for my essay is to do the same and show readers that they aren’t alone with dealing with school and other priorities outside the classroom, as well as personal struggles. I plan on starting my education narrative with a backstory that contributes to the takeaway I want readers to have after reading my essay. For example, a big struggle for me in college was balancing my mental health with my courses. In my essay I’ll go more in depth on how my personal struggles shaped me and gave me the motivation to purse the right career for me in the future.

  4. Zoe Newyear

    From what I’ve seen so far some ingredients for an educational narrative/convention is the author’s way of telling their story, a purpose of the writing, a tone that can be read easily, a decent amount of personal anecdotes, and the background in detail of what they went through.Another thing would need to be a story that actually catches the reader’s attention because learning plus reading is a very boring combo to some people.But a place that I think is good to start on with my own education narrative would be trying to get a topic on a goal that I wasn’t sure of at first and how it would turn out at first but it ended up being a goal, also how I ended up working to get to that goal but it having a meaning and a message behind it.No I don’t have any questions and concerns on writing an education narrative is.I feel like an educational experience I had was when choosing between football and my education.But I don’t know is that really a good topic for a educational narrative? Also what topic would you use for y’all educational narrative?

  5. Jackie

    For your writing to be an educational narrative you need to include stories about your personal life such as personal experiences that helped you develop or transform. It’s also about conveying the power of education. While those are the main focus you can’t forget about the way you are telling the story, captivating the readers by using descriptive language, vivid details, making the story/narrative come to life. All these “ingredients” serve purpose and should connect to life lessons about education shaping you in one way or another. A good example of this (I’ll use a personal experience and Prof.Joe you can let me know if this is a good place to start writing) is when I started attending trade school. I used to think college was a waste of time, that I didn’t need it to get to my desired “destination” in my professional career. To be honest I didn’t think I had a “destination” in my professional career, I just had a mindset of as long as I have a job and making income I don’t see why I need a career. Long story short I decided to try out trade school because I couldn’t even obtain a regular job. I realized that I was not the only one and that other students were also in the same boat that I was about college. Trade school helped me realize that I can be and do more than what I had in the books for myself. I came to a conclusion that I’m determined to pursue a fulfilling career and create the life I desire. I won’t settle for ordinary when I have the potential to receive an education and a successful career and life. I just need to put in the extra effort to make it happen.


    – My concern for writing is effectively transitioning between sentences and paragraphs, ensuring a seamless flow throughout.

    – I struggle with punctuation when it’s needed and I have a habit of using punctuation when it’s not needed.

    Questions: Regarding the example I used:

    – Is it a valid personal experience?

    – Does it align with the “requirements” needed for it to be an education narrative?

    Questions: Regarding writing an education narrative/writing in general:

    – What can I do to prevent myself from making my writing repetitive or redundant?

    – How to transition smoothly?

    – How can I effectively convey the message without explicitly writing it out? (If that makes sense)

  6. Jayden Francis Philbert

    Based off of what I’ve seen so far some ingredients for educational narratives tends to be personal experiences and the issues that they’ve gone through in their life. That is an important key that shapes educational narratives alongside the tone that is present throughout the story to keep the reader intrigued and entertained. A place to get started with my own education narrative would be a story that hugely impacts my life, such as an event that traumatizes me in the future or an event that boosts my confidence leading to change in my life. One concern that I have for writing an educational narrative is if I will be able to relate with readers or not based off of what I write. For example, if I write a story about something that I consider good , some readers might agree with me whilst others may not agree with me. Before I write my essay, I will try to understand a bit more about the education narrative essays genre so I can try to gain the reader’s interest.

  7. Skyla

    • The “ingredients’ for the education narrative genre are…
    • An education behind the writing piece
    • First-person writer
    • The person writing has to have experienced their writing firsthand 
    • The author has to have a purpose as to why they are writing the piece
    • Places to start writing my own narrative…
    • My bed 
    • Couch
    • A nice rolling chair at an organized desk with a desk lamp
    • Outside sitting on a bench with fresh air blowing in my face
    • On a table
    • Listening to any music that I feel like I wanna hear that will motivate me
    • Does my education narrative have to be about something I have learned in the past or current present as in educational findings recently?

    How complex does my writing need to be in an education narrative? 

    How impactful does an education narrative need to be?

    Does an education narrative need any proof of anything or just written evidence?

    • One thing I would really like to talk about in an education narrative is the struggles living through a global pandemic, how that can take a toll on a person, and how drastic changes from going to school every day to all of a sudden just being home all day can be difficult and terrible all at once. The pandemic has changed many people and most still haven’t recovered from it. Many have gotten used to being home and not wanting to work in person or some families were really struggling during that time because of financial struggles and only having one source of income. Can the pandemic actually be a topic for an education narrative?
  8. Julissa V

    From what I have seen so far the ingredients that make up an education narrative are personal anecdotes and using different writing techniques. For example, such as being descriptive or using a specific tone in the writing to convey the message in the narrative. Also, an education narrative needs to be from your point of view to be able to make sure the readers understand this memorable event in your life. When starting your own narrative, I believe you should look back on your experience with school and how that impacted your view on education. Everyone’s experiences vary when it comes to education. For some, school came very easy to them and were really passionate about it but to others school was just a complete waste of time. However, it doesn’t matter what your stance is on education, everyone should be able to voice their views about the topic; good or bad. My own concern about writing an education narrative is at this time I don’t remember a specific moment where I defined what education meant for me or how I viewed it overall. One question I have is, does the narrative have to be about one specific moment or can it be about a series of events that lend to my overall opinion on education. 

  9. Jahzarrah Mcintosh

    The ingredients to write in an education narrative genre is you need to have an introduction that explains you and your background so that the audience has an understanding about what the whole text is about.You need to make sure you aim directly at the story including all details.Having a setting, plot, conflict and additional characters can help analyze narratives and understand the bigger picture.A place to get started would probably be my room so that i’m in a comfortable place where i grew up so that everything that happened in the past comes to life.Just start thinking about traumatic things that may have happened in the past ,not only that but things that have challenged or help me get to where i am today.Introducing your age then and now ,you family members that lived with you then and now.Education Narrative is a type of writing used to let the readers know about your life using events that happened from the past and what’s happening in the present.Does Education Narrative have to be specific? as in naming your name and the characters names in the text or can you just describe them?

  10. Kevin Paguay

    Based on what I learned in the last classes, I was able to infer that for an educational narrative to be more interesting for the people who are going to consume this type of reading, it would be necessary for people to share a little of their life. and their experiences. That would make more people interested in this type of reading and could also encourage several people to also be interested in knowing this type of reading, its origin or how they can create their own. This could also help people get out of their dreams and share their goals or how they got out of their problems, how they overcame them, and how they live through them today. On the other hand, a point that I could focus on in order to write my own narrative formation would be the moment when my life underwent a change like the first time I arrived in this country and how I had to assimilate the change and how and what people I they helped me endure this change and adapt.

  11. Durantaitken

    So far in this unit we heard of the education narrative. It is a form of telling the reader of their  personal experience. The writers’ individuals go through journeys and teach us the things they went through on this journey and experiences. They show the emotions and feelings the writers go through as A reader. They show the conflicts or challenges Identify the central problem obstacle, or conflict that the writers faced during this experience. This could be a challenge or A personal struggle. Also showing how the writers came about fixing their obstacles or how they should have fixed their own personal experience at the time. When they were going through that obstacle showing and the people who tried helping or motivating them in fixing their problems, or giving them some word of wisdom that stuck with them as a writer and A person. An educational experience I went through was a book I was reading in high school as a student, not liking writing or reading how slaves were never able to read, write or even teach themselves or there were consequences for trying to teach or even read books.

  12. Jose

    As the lesson unrolls, I’ve noticed how authors use different “ingredients” that give a deeper and more open perspective of their writing. The passion and skills to compose different writings with not only a meaning but a purpose, a purpose that all readers will be able to analyze. As for the ingredients, I’ve noticed that they more commonly use personal connecting with themselves and the world, adding hidden details that give depth to their writing, and placing valuable information that not only educates us but helps us make inferences. As for myself and how I would be able to begin this education narrative, I would simply express myself, describe lessons I’ve learned throughout not just about life but skills that not only can help me but others as well, giving personal experiences that can teach you more than skills and can/might change your perspective or opinions on certain things. I would show honesty and highlight parts of the story that can really make a person see and understand it in different ways, opening to different opinions and analyses. However, there can be doubts, confusion, and misunderstandings, as for my questions and concerns, “How can I bring a worthy narrative to make others expand their perspective?”, “Will I be able to have a full understanding of what my story is going to be?”, “How can I construct a well-written essay with details and evidence?” However, I already have a plan as to how to build my education narrative.

  13. Ibrahima

    The ingredients that we went over in class were all a part of the acronym, PIE. P for Point, I for Information, and E for Explanation. The main point of an educational narrative is what you’re writing about. It’s the point that you are trying to reach across to the reader of your text, and sets up how the rest of the piece goes. The informational aspect of the narrative is the substance of the story. It is the personal story that led you to arrive at the main point of the piece. The information of the story is what helps transition into the next part of the educational narrative, the explanation. The explanation wraps everything together, and provides the meaning of the information. It connects the main point, or topic sentence, and information and shows the reader why the educational narrative was made. A good place to get started on your educational narrative when you don’t know what to do is to think of a personal moment in your life where you have felt that you developed as a person. It could be any moment, big or small.

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