About college

Going to college was one of my biggest fears in life. I say this because I personally do not like school, so how is a person who doesn’t like school supposed to graduate college? I hope my first semester of college is positive. Meaning having strong relationships with my professors, breaking out of my comfort zone and keeping my grades up. One thing I worry about is failing. Being so stressed out with not having this balance between work and school. Some obstacles that I will face is time management, organization as well studying. I am always late to everything and late with everything. I need to fix that because when assignments are due I need to make sure that they are handed in on time. Studying is another obstacle that I have to face. I can study for about ten minutes and be over it. I need to pick up some studying habits which will not bore me to death. I hope that college will open many doors for me and give me outstanding opportunities. My goal is to pass all of my classes no matter what term or class I am in and to never give up if something is either stressing me out or making me upset. As well to get these degrees and make  a weathlty income for myself.

About College-Dina

My biggest concern about college is spending the time and money to get a degree and then not being able to get a job. For instance my cousin received her bachelors in the criminal justice field and it’s been a month since she’s graduated and she has yet to get a job. Therefore one of my concerns is questioning if I chose the right major, Human Services. Another one of my concerns about college is time management, If I will be able to manage going to school, working, having a relationship and time for myself. And If I can’t handle all those main priorities it will blow up in my face. Lastly If I can’t handle the pressure of finals , papers and midterms and crack under pressure. My goal in college is to build bridges with my professors and then be able to go to them if I have trouble with any assignment and maybe helpful when it comes to the work field and I need references. Another goal I have for college is afterwards I want to be able to get a job that I enjoy doing while making good money.

My biggest obstacle would have to be the lack of confidence I have in myself. I don’t work well under pressure and I’m always second guessing myself on the decision I made to attend college. Due to the fact that my sister received her bachelors even after she was a teen mom. She continued her studies throughout high school and onto college and she was able to graduate only one semester more when she was suppose to .On top of all this hassle she had my nephew who was such a kick ass mom too! . So you can imagine the pressure I am under, I have no kids and if my sister was able to do it there is no way I won’t be able to do it . Everyone just expects it to be easy for me and I wouldn’t want to let anyone down.

Description Project

Starrett City is where it all began, I was raised here and still currently reside here. I couldn’t ask for a better place to grow up and will always love this neighborhood. Starrett is a very quiet and diverse community located in Brooklyn. The people in my community are very interactive with one another because a lot of people went to the same schools in the area. My community is split into sections which is kind of weird. We have the A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H section. When I walk around my neighbor hood there are big trees everywhere, and parks in almost every section. When I go outside I sometimes see people I know, cars driving by playing loud music, buses pulling up to bus stops and people rushing to get on the bus and people always sititing outside behind buildings with their families or friends. We have the basic stores in my neighbor hood like Dunkin Donuts, 99% off which is like a bodega, CVS, Associated Super Market , Boston Market and Golden Krust, but no pizza store can compare to Armando’s Pizza. They have the best pizza in Brookyln to me. I love their cookies, garlic knots and regular slices.

Image result for starrett city

Image result for armando's pizza starrett city

Description – Kassim

I am using this picture because this is where I grew up when I was young it isn’t really  diverse it’s just a lot of black people in my neighborhood. When I walk outside I see building coner stores barber shops I also see cars and busses the the smell that I am involved around is  cigarettes I hate the smell of them but for some reason other like to smoke it  the good smells are the different types of food that are being made around the area the different types of noises I hear are old men yell from outside and dogs barking at each other.

Description Project ~ Carlos Mejia

All my lifeI lived and grew up in this neighborhood; that neighborhood is called Brighton Beach. HAEre are so many things to see here. There are seagulls in the sky flying around, many differnent pepole- every single culture and race-,different stores – clothing/ fast food/shoe/ Phone/ and even fruit stores- the beach at night but the best thing you can see is the lights coming from Coney Island. There are plenty of smells as well, mostly good ones. The good smells revolve around all the different food that can be found here. The worst smell you can get hit in the face with is smoke from a cigarette. In  Brighton there also so many sounds. You hear a whole bunch of people talking, dogs barking, trains running back and forth- The Q and B- cars honking at one another and on Fridays fireworks going off.

Maracas Beach

The one and only Maracas Beach. As a child growing up, I remember going almost every weekend. The drive through the mountain shows a breath taken view of the island that is imprinted in my brain. As you get to the top of the mountain, your ears begin to ring because of the altitude. That’s when you know your halfway there. Down the winding road overlooking the side of the mountain, you begin to see the coconuts trees as they line the road. The smell of the sea and the aroma from all the food huts tells you we’re here.  From Africans to Indians, Spanish to Asians dancing to the music, as they bombard the “Bake and Shark” hut. In the parking lot the music is so loud, you can’t hear the siren of the police car as it passes by. With your tired feet, and full belly, you make a mad dash for the water. Some how it rejuvenates your soul. Maybe its the salt from the water or the sand between your toes, I always leave, feeling like a new person. The one place that is a must when I go back home. It brings back many memories and good times that will last a life time. 

Description project- Kathleen

Dyckman, is where it all started. I grew up here and still live here. I chose this because I have an attachment to this place. It’s a safe spot. The people here are social. When it’s the summer, it gets noisy around here and the people blast their music till sunrise. In the winter, it gets really quiet and you only hear the cars that pass by. To go anywhere it is very convenient because there are two trains and more buses than you can count. Usually, with my friends we have so much to do here, affordable places to eat, and three parks to stroll around. If you are looking for fun, Dyckman is the place!!

Description Project-Dina

Church Avenue Train Station  This is the train station that I use, It is the F line which goes to Manhattan and Coney Island. I chose this place to describe my neighborhood because it plays such a big role I am at this station on a daily basis. I start my day here and end my day here. Here I hear the sound of the trains coming and going as well the sound of the “Please stand clear of the closing doors”. Most times I get the smell of fresh paint because they are constantly painting here. I see people going and coming from work or a packed subway platform when there are delays. At the end of the day when I am coming from school or work, once I get off the train and I am walking home I feel a sense of relief and calmness to be in area what I know so well and am use to.

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Assignment one-Kathleen

I completed the bonus task. What I like about open lab is the categorizing for your comment; it can be set for any topic the person decides. What confuses me is Having to look up the course to go to the class, to go to the course site, so on and so forth.