Author Archives: kassim

Try hard you can be whatever you want to be; focus in school you can do better stop letting people distract you in class stay focus on the teacher and not on your friends; your friends won’t be there if you have to repeat the class and they don’t; go to school to learn stop playing around in class and pay attention to what’s going around I want you to do what’s best for yourself; keep pushing to be the best in your class ; you can be the best in your class just try harder; if you put your mind to it you can be the best me and mommy want wants best for you keep pushing don’t give up you can get it done; stop settling for less in your class you can be the best just act like you know what you doing do your home; review stuff you did at school stop letting your friends distract from what you go to school to do; school is for learning go to school to better yourself not play around playing is for after you get out of school you can be number one in your class if your tried; just try harder and stop being lazy

I walked across the bridge, and once I got across I saw four dragons they were all different colors one was blue the other was pink and there was also one with two heads but they were still different colors they were green and purple, they started flying above my head I got excited and started jumping around because it seemed cool. Once the dragons flew away I started changing them I didn’t want the moment to end, it was very amusing to my while the dragons flew I saw a rainbow form behind them. I stopped chasing the dragons and started making my way to the end of the rainbow to see if there was a pot of gold, I began to get excited when I started getting closer to the end of the rain because I spotted a treasure chest, once I got to the treasure chests and opened when I opposed it I was a piece of paper with a mason it I followed the map and it took me to the dragons that I saw cave I walked into the cave slowly because I was scared but, once I got inside I saw a lot of different cool animals like jaguar, lions ,and Tigars I was scared to play around with them until I realized they were friendly, I was able to fly on one of the dragons back and it was one amazing experience if I was to have another chance at that I would follow the dragons all the way so I can have a little more time with them.

In the article is music a good tool for health by Elizabeth Scott she talks about how music can put people in different type of moods depending on if the beat is low of high. In the article Elizabeth Scott uses music therapy and breathing to get her point across to her readers. I agree with Elizabeth Scott because when I listen to music with loud beats I tend to get a lot of energy and when I listen to music with soft beats I’m very relaxed and calm.

I believe that bringing music therapy to hospitals would be a good idea. “Research shows that music with a strong beat can stimulate by the changes music can bring”. this quote means that music can be good for the brain depending on how loud the beat is. this quote goes back to my thesis because it shows that music can be good for the brain but music with loud beats can effect the brain a little.

Elizabeth Scott also talks about breathing. I believe that keeping a steady breathing rate would help with your heart rate but in order to keep your heart rate steady you have to listen to calm music “music can also be used to to bring a more positive state of mind.” This quote shows how music can be relaxing depending on how loud the beat is. This quote is related to my thesis because it shows how music can change peoples mood depending on the beat volume.

My most prized possession is my sneakers the reason why they are my most prized possession is because I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere with out sneakers. I wouldn’t feel comfortable walking around without sneakers on my feet. I feel that people would just make fun of me if I walked out my house with no sneakers on my feet;otherwise, I wouldn’t care about having sneakers if no one was to make fun of people less fortunate to have sneakers. I wouldn’t have a problem with walking around with no sneakers I feel that it’s more comfortable walking around with no sneakers depending on how the street is if there’s a lot of rocks in the area that I’m going to them I’m going to need sneakers but if there isn’t then I could walk around with my feet. I believe that sneakers are something that everyone need because when it rain you can wear your sneakers you can basically wear sneakers in any weather but it isn’t that good for the snow cause your feet would get numb from the cold, when your feet get cold it’s start to hurt as soon as it start getting warm and it’s burns at the same time and that is a lot of pain and I know that no one wants to be in that much pain during the winter especially when it’s already cold And you getting hit by strong winds. People without sneakers go through a lot of sicknesses due to the fact that they can’t cover they feet with something.

The article playtime is over by David Elkind is about school recess. The author is trying to find out if recess coaches are helping students. One idea the author uses is child development another idea the author the author uses is socializing precess. I believe schools shouldn’t take children playtime away because children need both development and socializing skills.

I don’t believe that children playtime should be taken away from them because they need time to themselves in order for there brains to develop and for them to learn more; therefore, schools need to leave recess the way it is and make kids do what they want during recess. Kids learn best when teaching each other new things when kids learn from adults it might be harder for them to process what the teacher is trying to teach them, when kids are teaching each other stuff on the playground its saving “The culture of childhood.” Kids teaching each other games that they learned at home from their family is one way of keeping the culture alive. I believe that if schools decide to hire a recess not only would it mess with the culture of childhood but; also, mess with the children’s brains development.
Recess coaches can be helpful for the kids if they want to stay in shape but; however, the kids would have to spend recess with the recess coach everyday and won’t get time on their own and that would affect the kids socializing skills because he/she won’t be talk to their peers and getting to know their peers better. I believe the only way recess coaches can be helpful is if kids that want to listen to a teacher during their free time go to recess coach and kids that don’t want to listen to a teacher play on their own.
kids that decide to play on their own will most; likely, keep the childhood culture alive because they are teaching their peers games that they learn in their homes, from their family and this is good because kids tend to learn better when they are being taught by someone their age and not someone older. Therefore “kids learn that friends are cruel and kind they also realize that life is not fair.” when kids begin to realize how people can act a certain way for a couple of years just so they can be friends that’s when kids realize who’s their real friends and who aren’t their real friends.

I felt like I had good quotes in my essay; I was also good with finding out the main idea. I have to work on my spelling and I need to know how to catch my run on sentences,I don’t add periods in my writing and that’s bad cause the reader won’t know where to take a pause while reading. I also need to learn how to connect my paragraphs to my thesis statement.

There was a person at a point in time in my life that wanted me to fail, the person that wanted me to fail was one of my close friends she would always try to drag me out the when I would tell her I have stuff to do for my classes and she wouldn’t listen. She knows that I hate telling people no she would still come to my house and get me just cause she knew I wasn’t going to say no. The way that I reacted toward her is by telling her that she have to stop doing that or we can’t be friends anymore because she doesn’t want me to better myself she just want to party and have fun. She desided that she didn’t want to be my friend anymore cause I didn’t want to go to every party with her anymore. I let her go because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have been in college I probably would have still been in high school trying to get my diploma while all my classmates were graduating I would have had no one to blame but myself if I was to end up in that predicament because I desided to stay in her life knowing what she wanted to do and what she wanted for herself as well as for me.

1. I believe he says; a smart Indian be a dangerous person because all around the world there is this  stereotype  that African American people aren’t smart. He is being considered dangerous because he’s an African American guy that is smart.

2. The author was trying to tell us that in order to have a good successful life you have to be smart. People that are usually smart get good jobs and are able to own there own business.

3. I believe if a person wants to break free of stereotypes they have to have courage as well as compassion. I say they have to have courage because there’s a lot of steps to push through to get to where you want to be in life, you have to keep building yourself to get there. I say compassion because if you don’t love the dream your chasing you going to want to give up at a point in time.

4. Yes the paragraph helps me understand what a paragraph does. I would say that in a paragraph there is Little parts to a story that you are telling. You. are just trying to break it up into little pieces for the reader.

This story is about when I was playing football in high school. I was debating on if I should join my high school football team at the time I really loved playing; even though I still do just not as much as before okay so first day of practice I started late everyone else been there for a week before I decided to join so everyone just looking at me like who this little kid cause at this point of time I was really short no one on the team really liked me. I didn’t really care as time went on I could still tell that no one liked me on the team; I thought of quitting the team because I didn’t get along with me teammates. I decided to stay on the team and not care who like me or not until me and one of the players got into a fight because I was going to take his starting position on the team. He really didn’t like me after that because he was like what this kid is new to the team how come he taking my spot. After the little altercation we both got suspended for two games and I didn’t want to sit out so I decided to stop playing for the team cause I didn’t feel like any of it was my fault.

Try hard you can be whatever you want to be; focus in school you can do better stop letting people distract you in class stay focus on the teacher and not on your friends; your friends won’t be there if you have to repeat the class and they don’t; go to school to learn stop playing around in class and pay attention to what’s going around I want you to do what’s best for yourself; keep pushing to be the best in your class ; you can be the best in your class just try harder; if you put your mind to it you can be the best me and mommy want wants best for you keep pushing don’t give up you can get it done; stop settling for less in your class you can be the best just act like you know what you doing do your home; review stuff you did at school stop letting your friends distract from what you go to school to do; school is for learning go to school to better yourself not play around playing is for after you get out of school you can be number one in your class if your tried; just try harder and stop being lazy