Alexie and me- Kathleen

2) There was and faintly is a time where someone expected me to fail ; that someone is myself. In my high school years I was lazy and put no effort when needed to in my school work. What made it worse is the people that I hanged out with, there energy made it even worse to get back up and challenge my self into doing better. I lacked confidence when it came to math or calling out answers, I felt like I had a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset; I felt like I had a limited memory and intelligence. My friends were the same as me; two negative attitudes turning it into a total shutdown to our mental abilities. Once I got to senior year, I set aside my friends and started hanging out with the ones who are really into their school work. I saw some progress on my grades, even if my laziness wanted to kick in I did extra credit work, finished assignments on time; while I saw my friends struggling or accepting failure as a normal defeat, especially in my confidence boosted a bit; but I’m still learning to take control of it.

Alexie and Me – Dina

A person who gives me strength and hope for my future has to be my sister. She gives me strength and hope for my future because although she struggled being a teen mom .She’s turned out to be the most successful in my family and of all my siblings.  I look back at her journey throughout high school and college, how hard she studied to get her bachelors of science in human services and all she has achieved and it gives me strength and hope. I constantly think to myself if my sister who was a teen mom was able to be an amazing mom to my nephew and keep her grades up there. At the same time doing her internship and working, multitasking it all I have hope for myself and I know I can do it as well without a problem. When I am overwhelmed or I feel like giving up I think of my sister and how she was able to do it and it gives me strength and motivation to carry on with my studies. Having my sister giving me strength and hope will help me later on in the future because I won’t give up easily when life throws an obstacle my way.

Alexie and Me instructions

Simple. Write a short piece addressing ONE of the Writing Assignments one p. 415 of Grassroots. OR write an op-ed opinion piece (like you would see in The N.Y. Times or on Huffington Post) about one of the issues we talked about today in class.

Be sure to check the Alexie and Me category box before you hit Publish.

1. I believe he says; a smart Indian be a dangerous person because all around the world there is this  stereotype  that African American people aren’t smart. He is being considered dangerous because he’s an African American guy that is smart.

2. The author was trying to tell us that in order to have a good successful life you have to be smart. People that are usually smart get good jobs and are able to own there own business.

3. I believe if a person wants to break free of stereotypes they have to have courage as well as compassion. I say they have to have courage because there’s a lot of steps to push through to get to where you want to be in life, you have to keep building yourself to get there. I say compassion because if you don’t love the dream your chasing you going to want to give up at a point in time.

4. Yes the paragraph helps me understand what a paragraph does. I would say that in a paragraph there is Little parts to a story that you are telling. You. are just trying to break it up into little pieces for the reader.

Superman & Me

1. A smart Indian would be considered a “dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” due to Americas history. For many years many different cultures have been shamed due to the ignorance of others. Social groups higher than others feel as if because a person cannot get the same education as another they lack intelligence or because of where a person is from can determine how far one can succeed in life. Non Indians adopted this opinion from ignorant people who make comments about other cultures and people because they have nothing positive going on for themselves, they have to bring others down. Indian children adopted this self defeating idea to prove that just because we may not look the same or have the same beliefs I am a human just like you, and I can be successful just like you.

2. When Alexie writes “I was trying to save my life” in paragraph seven he means that because he did not have the privelage to have an education because the reservation treated Indians poorly, he used books to educate himself.

3. The inner characteristics a person needs to break free of stereotypes, dead ends and fo forge a path to success is resilience, acceptance, gratitude, consciousness and integrity. I say this because we are all human beings and the important part of life is to learn, strive and improve daily.

4. The metaphor “a paragraph was a fence that held words” simply means a groups of words are connecting with each other to support and thesis. If I was to explain a paragraph to someone I would say a paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea.

Superman and me – Dina Cantor

1. A smart Indian is considered a ” dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” because with knowledge you can conquer anything . Non-Indians would adopt this opinion because they expected the Indian children to be stupid . Therefore when you have a smart Indian it’s considered a threat in their eyes . Indian children would adopt to this self-defending idea because it benefits them . They’ll have more self confident and knowledge when it comes to non-Indians trying to suppress them .
2. What the author means in paragraph 7 by ” I was trying to save my life” is that by learning to read he was then able to learn more and go beyond the expectations of what non-Indians had . They expected Indians to be stupid and by learning to read he broke those boundaries because being educated can be powerful. With this point is he emphasizing the importance of reading books and educating oneself .
3. The outward support that a person needs to break free of stereotypes and dead ends and forge a path to success. Is to have a influential background, in this case the authors father was his biggest influencer . His father, who attended college and was a big collector of books from different genres helped the author become the reader he was .
4. The metaphor that the author uses in paragraph 3, ” a paragraph was a fence that held worlds.” Did in fact help me understand what the purpose of a paragraph was. It helped because the metaphor created a visual in my head of what a paragraph is . I would explain the purpose of the paragraph as a structure that holds sentences together but that have to do with some specific idea that adds organization .

Superman and Me ~ Carlos Mejia

  1. 1. A “smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” because “Indian children were expected to be stupid”. Non- Indians adopted this opinion – that Indians “are” stupid- because when they come to face with non – Indians they duck their heads and just stay quiet. Indian children adpoted this opinion because they were afraid pf the non- Indians.

    2. When the author says ” I was trying to save my life” i believe he meant tjat he wanted to do what ever he could to get out of the reservation. I think he’s trying rk say that getting an education can help you in life; by getting more money, a better job or even a career.

    3. The characteristics needed to break free from sterotypes is determination. One must be determined to break those stereotypes and do the opposite of what they are. It may be hard because kf everyone knowing those sterotypes but with determination you can get passed that.

    4. It dose help me understand what a paragraph. A paragraph has a series of sentences. Each paragraph has a main idea and then exaples to support it. Like in the story ” Superman and Me” the house was the paragraph and the rooms were the ideas supporting it.


  1. A smart Indian, one who is able to share their thoughts freely and openly; Outspoken, Opinionated, and, Direct are traits all races should embrace. As individuals we will be able to communicate without the fear of ridicule from other races.  Indian children are embraced and accepted for their failures from the non-Indian counter parts.
  2. Embracing yourself with an immense education will set you up for great success in life. Reading anything and everything imaginable. The author has a substantial love and devotion to better himself and not to worry what others perceive of you.
  3. Following in the footsteps of a great roll model. With a love and passion to elevate your education to the highest level. One is bound for glory. Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone corrupt your mental state with negative aspirations.
  4. A paragraph is sentences formed, to expose a particular point or idea. “Fences ” is an excellent metaphor that helped me to better understand and how to properly use a paragraph. To me a paragraph is like “a deep breath.” One initial purpose to relieve your lungs, as an author describes one specific theme.

Spider-Man and me

1). Smart Indians are considered dangerous because they wanted it to be standard that Indians wear idiots and I can relate in the  black culture they are afraid of people who are smart educated and open-minded because these type of people you can’t tell them anything and they would stand up for what’s right. The non-indians adapted this opinion because that’s how they seen them and that’s what they were told. I believe the children adopted this so this idea so that nobody would know that they were smart so whoever they Masters are can think that they have the upper hand which they really don’t.

2). When the author made the statement he’s “trying to save his life” what he was saying was the books are the only escape to the misery that he had to deal with in face everyday in his life. I believe the point he is making about the book says they are always opportunities to read you can always teach yourself something new everyday and you can’t never say that you don’t have time to read.

3). Based on the story a person has to be driving and have determine characteristics. The only way to break out of stereotype is not to follow The Stereotype don’t do what people are expecting you to do because of your race or ethnicity. I feel like your family will help you on the path for Success .Without the love and support other people around you you really have nothing and the drive it to do it in yourself.

4). Yes I understand it quite well I really enjoy how the author uses the paragraph in the sense of a fence of how it’s holding words. A paragraph is simply a section of a story being told or letter being written.

“superman”- Kathleen

  1. A smart Indian would be a “dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” because a change can happen with one person. The high authorities are scared that Indian children would learn to read and be able to overthrow the high authorities. In order to forbid that from happening they lower the Indian kids confidence  because they are “ridiculed” by high authorities. After that; I’m Assuming that Indian children are scared to go through humiliation so they adopt this self-defeating idea.
  2. When Sherman Alexie says “I was trying to save my life” he means that he was trying to make something out of his education, and future. In paragraph 8 he tells us ” Despite all the books I read, I am still surprised I became a writer”; Alexie would visit the schools as often and would see kids trying “to save their lives” by writing their own poems, short stories and novels.
  3. Based on Alexie’s story to break free of stereotypes and dead ends to forge a path to success, one must overcome the negativity that come from others and keep it up although it may bother others. Just like Alexie when he tried answering the question his teachers would ask; and his own classmates didn’t want him answering he still answered, because he decided to block out the negativity that came from his classmates.
  4. Sherman Alexie describes well what a paragraph is but it could of helped if he could of added a bit more detail into it, ” a paragraph was a fence that held words of the Topic“. At least one more word to describe a paragraph.