
I am proud of myself, I didnt do the best but now i have a better understand on were i was going wrong at. I have a better understanding of how to write an essay. I did a pretty good job when it comes down to the basics of completing an essay. What I was missing was examples and more explanatio. Unfortunately I am definitely one of those who thinks of more ideas to contribute after the fact. I must put examples   and explain what I’m trying to write in more detail so that my readers can understand what I’m writing.

Carlos Mejia

I did good at finding the verb and subject, but when it came for me to do it on my own i feel lile i need a little more help on that. I understand commas, placing capital letters, and apostrophes. I also just need to get to know the terms compound sentence, complex sentence, coordinating conjunctions, snd conjunction adverbs a bit more. For the writing part i feel lile i need to add more of my own opoinions and not just quotes.

Memo- Kathleen

During the practice Grammar Test, I think i did well in analyzing the idea of the article given to me. I knew the main idea, my reason to agree with the article, and what examples to use. But i still struggle to put commas in the right places and not turn them into comma splices. I also have trouble coming with a thesis statement that i can stick to in my entire essay. I know that i need to re-read my essay because it sounded bad when i read it and really need to explain more if I want to clear my reason.

Memo August 1

Simply write me a memo about how you felt after doing the practice Grammar Test. What did you think you did well? What do you still see as something you need to work on?

After that, create a chart for your personal grammar demons following the one in Grassroots, but only create columns for the error you make, what it’s called/how it’s defined, an example, and a way to remember how to catch it. You don’t have to fill it out completely for tomorrow (and yes, my brain is marginally working now!); just do what you can and bring it in.

Memo – Dina

After taking the practice CATW and got a look at the midterm exam I was able to detect what I need improvement in still . For the CATW I need help with transition words so that my paragraphs are organized. I also need help with explaining the importance of evidence, and therefore elaborating so that it can support my thesis. Lastly I need help putting things in my own words when doing the summary portion where I’m not just repeating the article . As for the midterm exam, I need help telling apart what a complex sentence and conjunction adverb sentence is . I also need help telling apart the mechanics such as commas and semicolons and when I should use them .

Alexie and me

Yes I’ve been ridiculed by my best friend and boyfriend at the time; for taking my first vacation out of the states to Bermuda by myself. It was for my birthday, and all I know was I wanted to take a trip by myself just get away from everybody and everything. But what they will never know is that I really did enjoy myself on that trip by myself at first. I didn’t have enough funds to be out there for a whole five days a lot of the activities and different things to do included two people. I stayed in a Airbnb that was so far from everything that I had to take $40 to $60 cabs back and forth. I had to cook on vacation who cooks on vacation only me. Once my birthday had came and gone by the third day I was so ready to go, but i made the best of it. I even was able to meet some new friends at this very popular Beach. That’s when the party began, started hanging out having fun we are drinking while in the ocean. It was just  the most beautiful  and  fulfilling experience ever The waves was so strong and heavy. I was in the ocean and the waves were just pushing me over and throwing me like a rag doll. My knees were hurting; I even had a slight limp when I left the beach not thinking nothing of it. The next morning when I woke up my knee was so swollen I couldn’t move but you know me I’m on vacation determine not to spend no time in the house. I was limping all up and down Bermuda. The last day of my vacation I had to sit in the house in someone else’s house at that. When I finally returned home to see the doctor. It ended up being a torn ligament in my knee. That vacation put me out of work and on bed rest for 3 months. Whatever caitian that was definitely one for the memory books. But you know what I would do it all over again of course minus the torn ligament.

Alexie & Me

1. I couldn’t discuss only one person that gives me strength and hope for my future, so the five people in my life that give me that are my grandfather, grandma, mother, brother and boyfriend. They are so encouraging and truthful, even though my grandma isn’t here with me today she was still these things. Since day one my family has been so supportive of every achievement as well as every decision I have ever made. They always tell me to live for myself and be great at whatever I want to be or do in life. They inspire me so much because of what they have been through. My grandfather was born and raised in Puerto Rico until he was sixteen then he moved to New York. His family barely had any money and still he was able to become a successful man with a loving wife and three outstanding children. My mother who was an patient care techian, ended loosing her job, never gave up and still was positive and managed to find another job within a week. My brother who has been in an accident that has changed his life forever, still manages to be positive and continues to push himself to get better. And my boyfriend who is such a intelligent, inspiring, creative guy who always has a positive attitude. Without these people in my life I could not be the person I am today.

Shane and Lauryn

Headed down a road of apocalyptic destruction. My life has made a turn for the worst. Working at a low paying, dead end job. Partying and drinking took all of my time and lots of my money. I knew if something didn’t change soon I would end up on the street or in jail. It all began to change, the first time he grabbed my finger and wouldn’t let go.

My son has motivated and inspired me more than anyone I can remember. I strive to be the best that I can be so he has a positive roll-model to look up to. He mimics my every move. From the words that I use, to the actions that I make. I want to provide him with the best opportunity so he can have a successful life. I never thought anyone would be able to give me more strength and hope than he was. That is until his sister joined the club. The two joys of my life, that changed me for the better; never had a clue what they were doing.

Carlos Mejia ~ “Alexie and Me”

A person that gives me strength and hope for my future is my older cousin. He also wants to become a nurse; but he is a couple steps above me. He gose to Hunter college and just finished his first year in the nursing program. I’ve seen him study all night just for a single test. I can already tell that nursing will be very hard anf challenging; but since I seen him do it, i kniw o can as well. I can also go to him and ask what classes would be good for me to take; since hes been through that process already. Another con is that if i ever need help studying or struggling with something , I’ll always have him to help me out.

There was a person at a point in time in my life that wanted me to fail, the person that wanted me to fail was one of my close friends she would always try to drag me out the when I would tell her I have stuff to do for my classes and she wouldn’t listen. She knows that I hate telling people no she would still come to my house and get me just cause she knew I wasn’t going to say no. The way that I reacted toward her is by telling her that she have to stop doing that or we can’t be friends anymore because she doesn’t want me to better myself she just want to party and have fun. She desided that she didn’t want to be my friend anymore cause I didn’t want to go to every party with her anymore. I let her go because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have been in college I probably would have still been in high school trying to get my diploma while all my classmates were graduating I would have had no one to blame but myself if I was to end up in that predicament because I desided to stay in her life knowing what she wanted to do and what she wanted for herself as well as for me.