I walked across the bridge, and once I got across I saw four dragons they were all different colors one was blue the other was pink and there was also one with two heads but they were still different colors they were green and purple, they started flying above my head I got excited and started jumping around because it seemed cool. Once the dragons flew away I started changing them I didn’t want the moment to end, it was very amusing to my while the dragons flew I saw a rainbow form behind them. I stopped chasing the dragons and started making my way to the end of the rainbow to see if there was a pot of gold, I began to get excited when I started getting closer to the end of the rain because I spotted a treasure chest, once I got to the treasure chests and opened when I opposed it I was a piece of paper with a mason it I followed the map and it took me to the dragons that I saw cave I walked into the cave slowly because I was scared but, once I got inside I saw a lot of different cool animals like jaguar, lions ,and Tigars I was scared to play around with them until I realized they were friendly, I was able to fly on one of the dragons back and it was one amazing experience if I was to have another chance at that I would follow the dragons all the way so I can have a little more time with them.

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