Instruction Manual

The instructional manual that I chose to analyze is “instructions to build a car”, the targeted audience is the one who never really build anything because the parts were labeled in the Instruction to make it easier for the person who is going to build a chair. Yes, it did fulfill the purpose that it was meant to.  The main problem I saw with this manual is that the person did not add any graphics.  

Another Instruction manual I found was “how to build a refrigerator”, the good thing about this manual is that it has graphics and table of content to make it easier for the reader. I think it’s a manual written by the company. It has warning etc. The only problem with this manual is that it quite long.  

Cub scout ideas. Cub Scout Ideas. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from 

Instruction manual – (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from 



    After reading an instruction manual on how to drive a car with safety way, I knew that there was a list of ways at the point of the instruction manual. This is essential to make sure the reader reading the manual has everything they need to read the instructions because driving is not only important for your life but also it can save your time. What I found interesting is how driver can make safety drive to passengers. Furthermore, the research showed me the rule of safety ways for driving instructions that explain the easiest way to understand the readers how to drive with safety ways.

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Nice analyses — brief, specific. It’s interesting what graphics can do to a manual to make it more useful. But it’s also not the only thing that makes a manual work; if it’s too long, it doesn’t matter what pictures go with it, it’s still annoying. Good job!

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