Instruction Manual Analysis

I found and analyzed two instruction manuals which are computer simulation of the moving-bed coal gasifier and circuit simulator. They are similar to my manual but not all the same. After I analyzed them, I think that computer simulation of the moving-bed coal gasifier manual is so complicated. There are many complicated equations, graphs, and theories. People cannot understand at all if they are not professional in related fields. Therefore, I think the intended audience is some people who are professional in related fields. The purpose of this manual is instructing people to simulate and design the moving-bed coal gasifier using computer. I think that this manual is useful for some people who are professional in related fields but it is not useful for outliers. There are many complicated instructions and information. The outliers cannot understand. The visual appeal is not good. There are no many designs in this manual. There are no enough pictures to explain the simulation. The instruction is too long and complicated. I think that this manual has a lot of problems such as insufficient images for explanation the instruction, complicated language, and instruction. For the circuit simulator manuals, I think that the intended audience is some people who has basic computer knowledge. The instruction of this manual is short and not complicated. People who are outliers can understand. The manual provides many images to explain the instruction. Moreover, many functions are labeled by the images and texts. There are no any complicated equations, graphs, and theories. People can understand easily. The purpose of this manual is instructing people to simulate circuit using software. I think that this manual is useful. The visual appeal is similar to computer simulation of the moving-bed coal gasifier manual. There are no many designs. I think that the problem for this manual is missing the installation section. The installation section is mentioned in table of contents. It should be provided in page 1.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Good points throughout this analysis. I really like what you said at the very end about the installation section — if it’s really important and necessary, it definitely should be included on page 1. Otherwise, as you say, the whole thing can be very hard to follow. I guess the bottom line is to make sure everything is there for the audience you’re targeting.

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