Category Archives: Email Assignment

Dear Professor Blain,

Hello, I am one of your students from the Fall semester in your English 2575 Technical writing class. To tell you a little about myself, my professional interests are in the technical field with computer networking, and just basic computer technology. My goals after college might lie in either getting a job within a start up or in a situated company, or I might end up joining the Air Force. I am still borderline with what I want to do with those two decisions but ultimately I want a good paying job.

Thank you,

Andres Toscano

Week One Email – Jason Zeng

Dear Professor Blain,

I am writing to inform you of my professional goals after I graduate. I intend to experience working in every IT specialization in order to decide which field I want to make a career in based on how much I enjoy them. I would like to innovate the technological world by developing a new technology or software. When I gain enough experience I’d love to start my own consulting firm.


Jason Zeng



Reading/Writing Assignment Week One – Email

There are two parts to this:

  1. Read this article: http://Laura Portwood-Stacer, “How to Email Your Professor (Without Being Annoying AF),”
  2. Create a Post in Open Lab formatted like an memo (here’s the link to the Purdue OWL page about formatting memos), addressed to Prof Blain, in which you tell me a little more about your professional interests and goals after college. If you want to include another image to show me/us more about what you’re hoping to do, feel free to do so using the Add Media icon/button.
  3. Click on the box “EMail Assignment” in the Categories menu.
  4. Hit “Publish.”