Author Archives: Fatema Jannat

Email Assignment

To:                  Prof. Jacquelyn Blain, English Department, New York City College of Technology

From:             Fatema Jannat

Date:              September 5th, 2017

Subject:          Professional Interests and Goals


Dear prof Blain,

I’m in your English 2575 (E276) class that meets on Thursday from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. I have prepared this letter to tell you about my professional interests and goals after college. I am majoring in Computer System Technology here in City College of Technology. Most specifically, I am focusing on software development. After achieving my Bachelor’s degree on software development, I want to get my Master’s degree in Computer Information Systems for Managers from St. Johns University. In 2018, I plan to do an internship in the field of Computer Science. As I work on my master’s degree, I want to work with some dream computer science companies like Intel, Google, Microsoft, etc. Later, I also want to get a PHD degree in CIS.

Thank You,

Fatema Jannat