Summary 500 words

      To:  Jackie Blain

From:   Andres Toscano

Date:   09/26/2017

Subject:   500-word summary on Congress joins the FCC to kill net neutrality

The article talks about an important topic that is not being mentioned too much in society due to lack of attention and what the average person understands about technology. The FCC trying to kill net neutrality is a horrible thing that is being discussed in the article and that can cost internet consumers a lot of money. The situation gets even tougher for people trying to restore net neutrality due to people sending a meme to congress on “Restore to Net neutrality”. The FCC chair Ajit Pai then decided to reveal his plan to gut out net neutrality which involved things that would end up being a huge problem in keeping neutrality alive specifically changing internet to a telecommunication service from an information service claiming that it will boost broadband speeds, give more jobs to Americans, and create competition between companies. Pai’s proposal hinges on revoking the designation of ISPs as a “telecommunications service” under Title II of the Communications Act and reclassifying them as an “information service.” That action would remove the FCC’s authority to regulate broadband providers. This is not good because what ultimately happens is that people that now can control the ISP can limit what people see and charge them extra fees for being able to see what they want on the internet. For example, an ISP allows you to see Netflix and Hulu but they also have their own streaming services you get for free since you pay for the service, now they can block you from accessing those sites unless you pay an extra $10 a month just to access them. Nine senators also proposed a bill to prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from reclassifying broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service and from imposing certain regulations on providers of such service, this is also known as Restoring Internet Freedom Act. The name may sound good but this is extremely misleading because you cannot save what you are proposing to kill. Big companies are also trying to hide and some even trying to misinform their customers with the proposed bills. In May Verizon created a video that said that they cared about Net neutrality and then have Craig Silliman they General Counsel go and say that the FCC is not talking about killing Net neutrality and that not we nor any other ISP are asking them to kill the Open Internet rules. Verizon has been dealing with court cases over Net neutrality for over four years battling those same court rules to try and kill net neutrality same as the company Comcast and AT&T some of the largest giants of the Internet providing service.

Craig, C. (2017, May 05). Congress joins the FCC to kill net neutrality. Retrieved September 07, 2017, from

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