
500-Word Summary – Phase 1

For this assignment, you’ll summarize an article related to your major/career, and do it as a 500-word memo. Here’s the Format for 500 word summary

Phase 1 asks you to do the following:L

  • Using the library’s databases and journal holdings, find five articles that are related to your major/career interests. They should be recent and rigorous.
  • Using those five articles, create a memo that lists the bibliographic information of those articles in APA format. Follow this guide for periodical sources, “Articles in Journals,” Format your memo using the “heading element,” “opening element,” and “task elements” found in this guide: . Then list each article’s bibliographic information. Save this document (feel free to post it on Open Lab — to do that, create a post, then click the box “Summary-1” in the Categories menu, and hit Publish). Print and bring one copy to class.
  • Last, choose one of your articles that you would like to use for your 500-word summary assignment. Create a reverse outline of this article. The easiest way to do that is to read the first paragraph, then in your notebook, write a one-sentence summary of that paragraph in your own words. Then read the next paragraph, and skip a line in your notebook and write a one-sentence summary of that paragraph in your own words. Do this for each paragraph. As you write this reverse outline, identify the article’s argument/main point and identify the supporting evidence for the article’s argument/main point.

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