Jacquelyn Blain

Audio vs Visual Pitch

How many books have you read this year? Did you start the year, like many do, saying you would read more books? Maybe you even had a certain amount per month to challenge and pace yourself. I was the same, having zero books read by the end of each month. This happened for an unfortunate number of years until just last summer when I finished my first audiobook.

Audiobooks have made books more accessible for a number of different reasons. The sheer benefit of being able to multitask, do household cleaning, commute to work or school and complete a book is just one way it has increased convenience, temporally. But does listening to an audiobook carry the same benefits as reading?

The number of people who consume audiobooks grows by the year as the popularity of resources like Audible grows. Users may find it useful to know what studies say about any possible drawbacks or benefits from the chosen medium.

Over the past year, I have completed over 100 books via audiobooks, ebooks, and traditional reading, an accomplishment I have never made before and would never have been able to do had it not been for the available media. I want to use my background in psychology, understanding of neuroscience, and personal experience to break down the benefits of listening to audiobooks in comparison to traditional reading.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is wonderful! I’ve never had anyone do this before, so I’m really looking forward to it.

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