Jacquelyn Blain

Rachel Elwood :D

Hello! My name is Rachel and I just graduated from the Restorative Dentistry program at CityTech. I’ve started my dental education my sophomore year of high school so to say the least I am tired of dental. I now have this great backup if I need but ultimately I am not my happiest it seem in the dental field. I decided to go for my bachelors in Psychology at CSI for the fall. I have always found the mind to be very interesting. Some other random things about me is I have two brothers and love animals. I especially love reptiles and have a pet snake! If it wasn’t for my terrible allergies I’d love to be a vet. Here’s my pet snake Gerry lol

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Oh well THAT is scary!!! Both the teeth and the snake. Actually, the snake is less scary to me than the teeth :-D. CSI Psychology sounds fascinating btw. Good for you!

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