Below please find links and support materials to help you succeed in this course and beyond. If you don’t find the resources you’re looking for, email me or text me on Slack.
- Creating a post on OpenLab:
- Perusall:
- Slack:
- Other Handouts:
- Sneakerheads links:
- Feature Article information
- Unit 3 information and production tutorials
- Other class handouts & information
Creating a post on OpenLab:
There are also links to OpenLab help on our main page in the right sidebar.
- Go to, click Login, and then either log in using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account, or create an account using your email address and password.
- Select I am a student and enter the course code BLAIN-X7978.
Here’s a YouTube about how to use Perusall. Ignore the stuff about buying a book — everything’s already loaded for you. Just click on Assignments and find the one I assigned.
Here’s the help section of Perusall as well as more information on how to use it:
And here’s an example of Perusall in action.


Slack Help: This link will take you to the Slack help site. Lots of things here, including video tutorials.
Other Handouts:
Sneakerheads links:
- Sneakers magazine. “13 reasons to be a sneakerhead.”
- aiobot. “Pros and cons of sneaker culture.”
- from the New York Times, graphic biography of a 50-year-old sneakerhead
- Being a female in the sneakerhead culture.
Feature Article information
Feature Article example links:

Unit 3 information and production tutorials
Link to Audacity manual