I would like to write my feature article on rights black gay individuals have and also problems and hate they receive day by day.

What I know about: Being black and also gay are not the best combos to look forward to, however it’s here and instead of trying so hard to make us feel like we don’t belong it’d be a lot better if we could just understand each other’s difference and live in peace.

What I am passionate about: is giving the reader the perspective on why black gay individuals deserve recognition as people too and need to be respect as one too.

What I start googling when I have nothing better to do: I always look at how the fatality rate of these individuals’ skyrocket and how sad it makes other people feel about themselves.

I would go crazy if someone told me I had to stop doing: if someone told me that black gay individuals have no rights and hence have no place in our society.

What makes me really angry is: how kids are being brought up to fear and despise the fellow buddies because they’re a little different than they are rather than showing them to embrace those difference and go ahead with their lives.