Journal 4 – Typical Day

At the AIR Office, every day is different. The employees have fix schedules and are the everyday faces we see there. On the other hand, the interns have very different schedules, and sometimes there is no one there, while on the next day, there are five or six. This makes the working environment very diverse and impossible to get bored in.

Our working day normally starts by signing in the Working sheet, then, we take laptop computers from the Shelves and bring them to the common table that we share with other interns. Once there, we start working on diverse projects as our supervisor sees fit. Drinking coffee and having snacks is allowed.

Projects normally are laid out with some days of anticipation, and in most cases we have about two weeks to finish them. Once we receive the project instructions, Calvin and I start discussing and developing the concepts for the new designs. Then we continue working on them during the rest of the day. Sometimes we have to help carry some of the Office materials or to help with any other activities.

On certain days we have to come in early. On those occasions, because of the school policies, we must take a one-hour lunch break that we can take at any chosen time. After that, we continue working and at 5 PM, when the offices are closing, we finish our shift. At that time, we usually report with our department Director, Dr. Tammie Cumming or with her assistant Yimmy Zao, who gives us feedback about our work, and instructions for the next day.

Then, we proceed to return the laptop computers and to sign out the working sheet. It feels good to be productive.