Tomorrow’s Class (Th 5/14) Held at SF Bookstore in Vinegar Hill!

Hi everyone:

As we discussed last week, we will be holding class tomorrow, Th 5/14, at Singularity & Co. (a vintage SciFi, Fantasy & Fantasy bookstore). The bookstore is in Vinegar Hill. You can see a map and get directions here.

We’ll meet inside the bookstore at the start of class (do not come to our regular classroom: go straight to the bookstore). Please arrive no later than 2:30pm: it is ~15 walk from the Namm building (closer to Voorhees & the York Street F station), so plan accordingly. We will begin class with a brief tour / overview from one of the bookstore staff, and then move into our presentations (we’ll hold the entire class period there, so plan to be there until 5pm).

Each of you should drop a quick comment to this post to let me know that you saw this message / will arrive at the bookstore by 2:30pm. If anyone wants to arrange walking over with classmates or me (from campus), mention that in your comment, and we can coordinate.

Looking forward to checking out this store together with you tomorrow, and to hearing about your research projects 🙂

Professor Belli

17 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s Class (Th 5/14) Held at SF Bookstore in Vinegar Hill!

  1. Hi folks! Danny and I are going to walk over together, leaving from in front of Concord Market (on the other side of Tillary, right past the Namm building) if anyone wants to join us. Meet us there at 2:05pm, if you do 🙂

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