Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2022

2/9 Questions for “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”

Please read the story “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua, and answer the attached questions using complete sentences. Please share your responses on OpenLab here by February 14th. How-to-Tame-a-Wild-Tongue-Qs



  1. Emely

    1- They were required to take two speech classes to get rid of their accent.

    2- Chicano Spanish is a language formed by chicanos. For instance, it’s the language which makes you feel comfortable, a mixture of two languages.

    3- Standard English

    4- Pachuco is a language made up of slang/informal words. Where not many people will be aware of the meaning of them. It consists of informal Spanish words and informal English words.

    5- A difference between chicano spanish and standard spanish will be how they leave out wolves in a syllable and pronounce some words differently from the standard spanish. For instance, instead of saying “estoy” in the chicano Spanish you will say “toy”.

    6- A real way to hurt her is by talking badly about her language.

    7- It means that Chicanos will fight for their rights and stay consistent.

  2. Laziza Naimova

    A. Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take two speech classes at their university to get rid of their accents.
    B. Chicano Spanish is known to purists and most Hispanics as a low quality language and a destruction of the Spanish language. Chicano Spanish is a border language, a mix of English and Spanish born naturally of the fact that, for Mexican-Americans living in the United States, neither English nor Spanish is their native language. Chicanos have their own coded language they use to communicate with each other.
    C. Standard English, Standard Mexican Spanish, Chicano Spanish and other languages are the languages Anzaldua lists as spoken by Chicanos today.
    D. Pachuco is a secret language. Pachuco is a language formed with slang words of both English and Spanish. Pachuco is a language commonly spoken by kids and young adults, and it rebels against standard Spanish and standard English.
    E. Chicano Spanish differs from Standard Spanish in a number of ways. In Chicano Spanish, two adjacent vowels become a single syllable instead of two, and the stress in certain words may change. Also, certain consonants between vowels are left out. Further, Chicanos use words that are no longer used in the Spanish language. Additionally, Chicanos tend to use words that were brought to the United States from Medieval Spain. Finally, Chicanos shift Il to y and z to s, and they leave out initial and final syllables in addition to borrowing words from the English language.
    F. According to Anzaldua, Chicanos who grow up speaking Chicano Spanish believe that they speak poor Spanish and feel uncomfortable speaking Spanish to Latinas because they feel shame and embarrassment. As a result, Chicanos sometimes have low self-esteem because they feel that their language skills are inadequate.
    G. Anzaldua says that the way to really hurt her is to talk badly about her language and significantly her ethnic identity as a Chicano Spanish speaker, she identifies as a Chicana and her language is her honor.
    H. When Anzaldua says Chicanos straddle the borderlands, she means that Chicanos have a Mexican identity, but yet they live in America. Simply because they live in America, they should not be expected to give up their heritage and culture because being Mexican is a state of spirit. Chicanos see themselves as American with a Mexican identity. Living close to the American and Mexican border seems to bring on confusion about which country Chicanos actually belong to. Nevertheless, borders do not matter to Anzaldua because she defines herself by her Mexican identity, which will always be a part of her no matter where she lives.

  3. Carla Dormil

    A – Anzaldua and all Chicano students were required to take two speech classes to get rid of their accents.
    B-He describes it as living language and it considered by the purist and by most Latinos deficient, a mutilation of Spanish.
    C- Three of the languages Anzaldua: Standard Spanish, Standard Spanish and Standard Mexican Spanish.
    D- Pachuco also called calo is one of the secret languages or a slang that Chicano could communicate among themselves to rebel against Standard Spanish and Standard English.
    E-They have developed significant differences in Spanish and English, the collapse two adjacent vowels into a single syllable and sometimes shift certain words and use a lot the anglicism.
    F-According to Anzaldua, Chicanas who grew up speaking Chicano Spanish belief that they speak poor English and its illegitimate, a bastard language. Shame and low self-estimation, they were told it’s a wrong language, they were afraid to speak around other Chicanas.
    G- She said the way to really hurt her is to speak badly about her language, that she is her language. Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity.
    H-She means being Mexican, has nothing to do where Mexican lives on, which country it is about a state of soul just like the ocean, neither animals respect borders.

  4. Esmeralda Ensaldo

    A. Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take two speech classes at their university so they would get rid of their accent.
    B. Anzaldua describes Chicano Spanish as a new language; a language created from and for those who can neither identify with Spanish nor English. She says that Chicano Spanish was created so people would feel comfortable speaking to each other, a language they would feel identified with. Not only Spanish nor only English but both.
    C. Three of the languages Anzaldua lists as spoken by Chicanos today are Standard Mexican Spanish, Chicano Spanish, and Tex-Mex.
    D. Pachuco is a language that does not conform with the standard English or Spanish language, so it is made up of words that come from both languages. It is a combination of English and Spanish words.
    E. According to Anzaldua some of the differences between the Standard Spanish and Chicano Spanish is that Standard Spanish is entirely Spanish words and words that have been evolved. Differently form Chicano Spanish it uses a combination of Spanish-English words “spanglish” and it still uses some words that are not longer in the Spanish language (words still exist but they are pronounced and written differently) such as haiga – haya.
    F. According to Anzaldua , Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language often feel ashamed. They feel ashamed because they “are not speaking correctly either English or Spanish”. They are pointed out because of the new language they have created which to others seems incorrect or not an official language.
    G. Anzaldua says that hey way to really hurt is to talk badly about her language because it is as if talking badly about her since she is her language. Her language is part of who she is, it’s part of her identity.
    H. When Anzaldua says “Chicanos straddle the borderlands” she means that Chicanos have taken both Mexican borders and American borders as part of themselves. They identify both as Mexican and Americans.

  5. Sabina Akhi

    1)Ans: Anzaldua and all Chicano students are required to take two speech classes at them with the purpose to get rid of our accents.

    2)Ans: This language was looked down on by others and was referred to as a “poor language”.

    3)Ans: Anzaldua is trying to tell us that language is a homeland closer than the southwest and that it brings people together. Language connects people are similar and makes them feel more at home because they are surrounded by the same kind of people.

    4)Ans: pachuco “was a common epithet that they heard.
    Pachuco subculture declined in the 1960 s, evolving into the Chicano style.
    Pachuco boldly chose not to follow this regulation, demonstrating rebellious attitudes and pride in their culture.
    5)Ans: Ans: Anzaldua was differences between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish Anzaldua a Chicano native of Texas explores in prose and poetry the murky, precarious existence of those living on the frontier between cultures and languages.

    6)Ans: Anzaldua Chicanos and Chicanas grew up speaking the language feel Chicano Spanish have internalized the belief that spoke poorly Spanish.
    7)Ans: Anzaldua says “so, if you want to hurt me, talk badly about my language”.

    8)Ans: Anzaldua discussed the border, the language is getting forgotten. Living in the lands between America and Mexico seems to be a place of separation of not knowing to which sides you belong. nostos’s Los Chicanos straddle the borderlands.

  6. Sabina Akhi

    1)Ans: Anzaldua and all Chicano students are required to take two speech classes at them with the purpose to get rid of our accents.

    2)Ans: This language was looked down on by others and was referred to as a “poor language”.
    3)Ans: Anzaldua is trying to tell us that language is a homeland closer than the southwest and that it brings people together. Language connects people are similar and makes them feel more at home because they are surrounded by the same kind of people.
    4)Ans: pachuco “was a common epithet that they heard.
    Pachuco subculture declined in the 1960 s, evolving into the Chicano style.
    Pachuco boldly chose not to follow this regulation, demonstrating rebellious attitudes and pride in their culture.
    5)Ans: Anzaldua was differences between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish Anzaldua a Chicano native of Texas explores in prose and poetry the murky, precarious existence of those living on the frontier between cultures and languages.
    6)Ans: Anzaldua Chicanos and Chicanas grew up speaking the language feel Chicano Spanish have internalized the belief that spoke poorly Spanish.
    7)Ans: Anzaldua says “so, if you want to hurt me, talk badly about my language”.

    8)Ans: Anzaldua discussed the border, the language is getting forgotten. Living in the lands between America and Mexico seems to be a place of separation of not knowing to which sides you belong. nostos’s Los Chicanos straddle the borderlands.

  7. Geovany Flores

    A- they were required to take two speech classes to get rid of their Spanish accent.

    B- she describes it as a purist language which is combined by Spanish and English using words with no formal accent.

    C- Chicano Spanish, pachuco called calo and standard English.

    D- I think it’s based on a non-formal way to speak English where you combined words as people living between US and Mexico.

    E- According to Anzaldua Chicano Spanish is based on a mixed with Spanish and English words such as “que paso with the family” and standard Spanish is just based on Spanish only having the right accent.

    F- they feel ashamed of themselves because everyone in school judge them even their parent by telling them that if they don’t fix the way they talk they can never get a job just because of the way they talk.

    G- she said that the only to really hurt her is talk bad about her language her ethnicity is an offense to her country and culture.

    H- she mans that no matter where they lived, they will bring up their traditions and non would change that no matter what or who is on the opposite side.

  8. Tayef Rahaman

    Anzaldua and all Chicano students were required to take two speech classes to get rid of their accents.

    Chicano Spanish is a language formed by chicanos. For instance, it’s the language which makes you feel comfortable, a mixture of two languages.

    Standard English (Tex-Mex) (Pachuco)

    I believe the author’s purpose in writing this piece is to give students good ideas of how to become better readers to write like a writer. His intended audience is students, professors, and everyone who wants to read like a writer.

    According to Anzaldua, Chicanas who grew up speaking Chicano Spanish believe that they speak poor English and its illegitimate, a bastard language. Shame and low self-esteem, they were told it’s a wrong language, they were afraid to speak around other Chicanas.

    A real way to hurt her is by talking badly about her language.

    Anzaldua says that the way to really hurt her is to talk badly about her language and significantly her ethnic identity as a Chicano Spanish speaker, she identifies as a Chicana and her language is her honor.

  9. Aleksandra Patyra

    A) Why were Anzaldua and other Chicano students required to take two speech classes at their university?

    To get rid of their accents

    B) How does Anzaldua describe Chicano Spanish?

    “But Chicano Spanish is a boarder tongue which developed naturally.”
    “Chicano Spanish is not incorrect, it is a living language”
    “We needed a language with which we could communicate with ourselves, a secret language.”

    C) What are three of the languages Anzaldua lists as spoken by Chicanos today?

    Standard English, Standard Spanish, Standard Mexican Spanish

    D) Use your own words and in 2 to 3 sentences, describe Pachuco.

    Pachinko is language used by insiders. Mostly young people who does not want to talk Standard English or Standard Spanish speak this language. Not a lot of people usually know and speak Pachuco, it is secret language.

    E) According to Anzaldua, what are some of the differences between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish?

    “Chicanos, after 250 years of Spanish/Anglo colonization, have developed Significant differences in the Spanish we speak. We col- lapse two adjacent vowels into a single syIJable and sometimes shift the stress in certain words such as ma(vmaiz, cohele/cuele. We leave out certain consonants when they appear between vow- els: lado/lao, mojado/mojao.”

    F) According to Anzaldua, how do Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language feel about it?

    “ Chicanas who grew up speaking Chicano Spanish have internal- ized the belief that we speak poor Spanish. It is illegitimate, a bastard language. And because we internaHze how our language has been used against us by the dominant culture, we use our lan- guage differences against each other. Chicana feminists often skirt around each other with suspicion and hesitation.”

    G) How does Anzaldua say the way to “really hurt” her is?

    “So. If you want to really hurt me, talk badly about my language”

    H) What does Anzaldua mean when she says, “Chicanos straddle the borderlands”?

    She means that because of living between America and Mexico the people are confused and not knowing to which side they belong to. She also explains that being Mexican is a state of soul – it has nothing to do with which country you were born to.

  10. Soufiana Togola

    A. Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take two speech classes at their university so they could get rid of their accent.
    B. Anzaldua describes Chicano Spanish as a new language; a language created from and for those who cannot identify your identity either English or Spanish. She says that Chicano Spanish was created so people would feel comfortable speaking to each other, a language they would feel identified with. Not based only on one language but both English and Spanish.
    C. Three of the languages Anzaldua lists as spoken by Chicanos today are Standard Mexican Spanish, Chicano Spanish, and Tex-Mex.
    D. Pachuco is a combination of languages that mix the standard English and Spanish language , it is made up of words that come from both languages.
    E. According to Anzaldua some of the differences between the Standard Spanish and Chicano Spanish is that Standard Spanish refers only to Spanish word meanwhile Chicano Spanish is a combination of Spanish-English words “spanglish”.
    F. According to Anzaldua , Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language often feel ashamed. They feel ashamed because of not speaking correctly either English or Spanish”but wishes to speak it fluently.
    G. Anzaldua states that she feels painful when you to talk to her badly about her language because it seems like you accusing her for not speaking the language fluently. And that her language makes her part of who she is, it’s part of her identity.
    H. When Anzaldua says “Chicanos straddle the borderlands” she means that Chicanos have dominate both American and Mexican borders as part of themselves. They are combined with both identify as Mexican- Americans.

  11. Alina Thapa

    A ans Anzaldua and all chicano students were required to take two speech classes to get rid of their accents .
    B ans Chicano spanish is the border tongue which develop naturally . It is a living language which is combined by english and spanish .

    C ans The three language anzaldua lists as spoken by chinanos today are standard english , Tex _Mex , Pachuco.
    D ans Pachuco is a secret language which is combination of both english and spanish language .

    E ans The chicano spanish is a combination of the spanish and english words and the standard spanish is only spanish words having perfect accent.
    F ans According to Anzaldua , Chicanos who grow up speaking chicano spanish believe that they speak poor spanish language.They feel ashamed of themselves beacause everyone judge them on language.
    G ans The Anzaldua says that the only things hurt her is talking badly about her language. Language is only way for communication it is not identity of person .
    H ans She means that they have their own identity which shouldn’t be forgotten no matter what the situation will come .

  12. Adam Bajwa

    1. Anzaldua and all chicano students are required to take two speech classes at their university so they could get rid of their accent.

    2. It’s the language which makes you feel comfortable, a mixture of two languages.

    3. Standard English, Tex-Mex, and Puchaco

    4. Pachuco is a combination of languages that mix the standard English and Spanish language Not a lot of people speak this language

    5. According to Anzaldua Chicano Spanish is based on a mixed with Spanish and English words such as “que paso with the family” and standard Spanish is just based on Spanish only having the right accent.

    6. “ Chicanas who grew up speaking Chicano Spanish have internal- ized the belief that we speak poor Spanish. It is illegitimate, a bastard language. And because we internaHze how our language has been used against us by the dominant culture, we use our lan- guage differences against each other. Chicana feminists often skirt around each other with suspicion and hesitation.”

    7. The only way to hurt her is to talk bad about her language

    8. When Anzaldua says “Chicanos straddle the borderlands” she means that Chicanos have dominate both American and Mexican borders as part of themselves. They are combined with both identify as Mexican- Americans.

  13. Joseph Junior Jean Paul

    1- Anzaldua and all other chicanos students were required to take two speeches English classes in other to get rid of their accent.

    2- She describe it as a language for chicanos people to communicate each other and she even mentioned that it’s not an incorrect language ! It’s a secret language that they use only for them .

    3- Anzaldua speaks Standard English, Standard Spanish, Standard Mexican Spanish.

    4 Pachuco is a language use by insiders. People who doesn’t want to talk Standard English and Standard Spanish are most likely speaking it.

    5- “ Chicanas grew up speaking Chicano Spanish have internal-ized the believe that we spoke poor Spanish. Because we internalize how our language has been use against us by the dominant culture, we use our language differences against each other.

    6- Chicano Spanish came from a mixed Spanish and English. For instance, que paso with the family.

    7- The only way to hurt her is to minimize or talking bad about the language or the way she speaks.

    8- She meant that Chicano have taken control of both, American and Mexican borders as part of themselves!

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