Class Info

  • Date: September 1st
  • Meeting Info: via Zoom.

To-Do Before Class

Before class, do all readings and homework assignments assigned on Week One

Let”s look at the commercial from the Super Bowl


Analog vs. Digital; A Brief History of Design Technology


  • Basics of the Operating System
  • 911 20 year Anniversary
  • Evolution of the Printed Book and how the invention of that technology, the printing press, altered society in the Medieval Western World
  • Evolution of the internet and its impact on 20th and 21st centuries
  • The switch from Analog to digital mediums in the design field

• Review Epub, PDF html books vs. printed book for comparative purposes with regard to visual formats and structure. Textbook for this class will be used as a point of comparison


Let’s begin class by taking a look at the Book that is recognized as the first printed book in the Western World: The Gutenberg Bible. There are only 20 complete copies of the Gutenberg in the world today. One of them was scanned and it is digitally available at the University of Texas Ramsom Center.

Below are some lecture slides that take us from Gutenberg to Google:

Please take about 20 minutes to turn the pages of the world Famous Gutenberg Bible.

Questions for Discussion: What did you notice about the pages I showed you of the Gutenberg bible? Are there visual elements you recognize in today’s design? Then, quickly list those similarities. And then list differences you notice in the bible’s pages that you don’t recognize or understand.

Go to our discussion board and write your thoughts on viewing the bible and answer the questions above.

Letterpress Printing

This semester we will be using WordPress, the underlying structure for OpenLab. In it, you will encounter the Advanced Gutenberg settings, named for Gutenberg.

Lab Work

 Please review the page of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that is pictured below, which is from the printed book. Please read the page and then review the typesetting and write down ways in which the type was manipulated on this page to communicate and enhance the meaning of the text.

Then, download from, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the text book in ePub format. the html, and the PDF format.

Post on our discussion board any differences you notice between the two formats.

You will have 45 minutes to do this and then we will come back together on Zoom to discuss.

To-Do After Class

See Assignments/ Week Two for homework