Class Info

  • Date: August 31
  • Meeting Info: Pearl 115


  • Introduction of instructor and students; review of class structure, resources and expectations
  • Understanding what Design Studio and Senior Project is about, introduction of class projects
  • Understanding Design for Change and Design Thinking


  • Understand the role of the designer as a concept generator.
  • Build and expand your design research capabilities.
  • Explore ways to include more or yourself and community into your creative work.
  • Understanding the role of design research.
  • Build better design techniques and practices.
  • Explore tools/ways to exercise your creativity.


Class Replay is now available here. You can view the lecture slides below.


  • Read Field Guide to Human-Centered Design pages 9-28
  • Download the required text—Designer’s Research Manual
  • Go to SVA’s Design for Social Impact website and review the presentations listed in OpenLab as your designated team.
  • Be prepared to present your team analysis next class.
    • Partner A: What is the concept? How were we introduced to the idea? How did they show their research? Did it feel connected in the presentation?
    • Partner B: What type of design outcomes were chosen and how did they reflect the needs of the audience?
    • Partner C: Why do you think it worked or didn’t work? What can be improved upon? Or can it? Explain.

SVA Presentations To Review

Group 1
This project aims to increase opportunities for creating positive female representations in mainstream superhero comics by opening up conversations around female life experiences in the comic community.
View here.

Group 2 and 4
What’s Not to Love?
What’s Not to Love is an online platform in which young people visit and share their concerns about appearance, expose themselves to new and diverse perspectives of beauty, and connect with people from all around the world.
View here.

Group 3
Side by Side
“Side By Side” is a system of tools and resources that supports the healing process for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones. The goal of the project is to reimagine long-term support for people who have experienced sexual violence by strengthening interpersonal support.
View here.

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