
Research a topic that you would be interested in tackling for your senior project. The choice is completely yours.

Explore crazy ideas, discover new opportunities or reimagine existing ones—just let your imagination run. Using the same methodology you will learn for Project One, you’ll use that knowledge to research and prepare a paper sharing your findings as a possible choice for Senior Project. When completed, you should be able to back up and defend ­your topic to your Senior Project Advisor.

Remember, its acceptance is dependent upon your advisor/professor for that class.

Your project will include:

  • An abstract of concept (you will learn what this is in class).
  • Research to validate your ideas, assumptions, and specific perspectives:
  • Why the topic is important to you?
  • How does your concept/project differ from existing impact projects?
  • What are the best approaches toward getting your message out to the intended audience(s)?
  • What is a realistic timeline to achieve the desired result by the end of the 13 weeks?

The topic you select for your paper is completely up to you but can’t be related to Project One. So, pick a topic you find both interesting and will have fun creating.

If you are having problems with the project at any point, DO NOT WAIT until
the final weeks for help. Reach out to me so we can work out a plan.


  • Week 9 – First draft of paper due.
  • Week 14 – Final Paper Due. 
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