Elaine Wu – Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, I’ve noticed that coffee and food was very significant and dependent for the soldiers during the Civil War especially for survival.  What I found most interesting in “How Coffee Fueled the Civil War”, article was that coffee helped many soldiers by ‘fueling’ them to fight wars. According to the article, soldiers made their coffee anywhere that was possible such as; “water from canteens and puddles, brackish bays and Mississippi mud, liquid their horses would not drink.”Other than coffee, food is very important as well. Consuming food for energy is the best way for survival. However, many soldiers became ill from the uncooked and unsanitary food they ate.

Fish is the type food I cannot live without. It has lot less saturated fat than most red meat and contains many health nutritions like omega-3 and protein. 

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Homework #2

To think about how hard soldier had it back then it’s really interesting because instead of them enjoying the food, they just ate it to get full because there was nearly 2 million soldier. They food were so bad that a member of the Sanitary Sanderson, went in the field “camps of the 12th.  to teach soldiers some cooking method  It’s also interesting to know how members of the Sanitary were trained to go look for food and distribute it to the soldiers. As stated in the article ” as many men still suffered from hunger, illness, and death from unsanitary and poorly cooked food”. This shows how many people still died not only from poor cooked but from illness. I think the fact that pot was not as clean maybe that’s what made soldiers sick.

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Hw#2 Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, I was able to think about soldier’s life and how hard it is for them to fight without a good nutrition. As we already know, food is an important part of our life and we can not live without food. Soldier’s during the Civil war did not have a good nutrition, even thought “The Sanitary” need to provide food for them and take care of their food as a top priority.

I found so interesting, that “The Sanitary” need to look for the food that were available during each season and also that they need to preserves the food for the soldier’s. Also, something that found very interesting is that ” Nobody can soldier without coffee”, because in today world the majority of the people consider coffee very important or the major drug to be awake the whole day. Is increible to see how powerful the coffee can be for every in order to get enough energy in the day.

  I can live without mangu or plantains. Is my favorite food and I need to eat this at least one day during the week.

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Upcoming Midterm Postponed to 3/21

Alvin Langdon Coburn, The Octopus (View of Madison Square Park in the snow), 1912

Due to the impending snowstorm (and the possibility classes may not run tomorrow) the midterm is rescheduled to Tuesday March 21st, 10 am in Atrium 631. Because we begin with the slide id’s please make sure you arrive on time, otherwise you will not have a chance to go back to part I if you miss the slide IDs. Come early!

Don’t forget to review the images on the short list, as well as the vocabulary words and terms from earlier slide lists. The exam format and image files are also uploaded under documents.

The processes for Part IV—Terminology section of the midterm are:

  • daguerreotype
  • wet-plate collodion process
  • calotype
  • gum bichromate process (gum print)
  • cyanotype
  • photogenic drawing

Below is a table on the differences between Pictorialism and Straight Photography, which I will review in class:


To review the contributions of Alfred Stieglitz and the Photo Secession to the history of photography, you can watch the first 37 minutes of a documentary on Stieglitz, entitled The Eloquent Eye: https://youtu.be/w-wtfjEo8Qc.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Most importantly, ARRIVE ON TIME next Tuesday, March 21st!

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Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Learning about the civil wars diet was very interesting for me to read about. One of the biggest problems I have is that I eat way too much. However, I don’t know how the soldiers could survive off small portion sizes. Having to eat food that was flavorless, but not even having a choice because that’s all there was to eat. Or, the fact that sometimes the cook didn’t even know how to cook properly, but you still had no choice but to eat the raw meat. I appreciate what James M. Sanderson did for the military because these men and woman deserved a nice meal every day. They were working hard on both ends, the least they could be rewarded with is good food. The fact that he went out of his way to make sure a cookbook was created, and to train some soldiers to cook good is amazing. Also, learning that coffee was so important to solider was funny to me because whenever I drink something with caffeine in it, I feeling amazing. It’s as if a rush is flowing through my body, and keeping me going through the day. I can only imagine how soldiers who are out all day marching, and fighting can only feel about a hot pot of coffee. To know It was so important to them to the point where they felt they couldn’t function without it. Or even using substitutes to make coffee even if it didn’t have caffeine made me laugh. It made me appreciate the foods I have available to me every day that I take for granted. My food would have to be chicken. Every meal I eat, if there’s not some sort of chicken in it, I feel as if I can never truly be full. Weather its fried, jerked, baked, steamed, or barbequed, I still can’t keep my heads off it!

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Rabia Batool….Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Both articles were very detailed on Civil war soldiers’ difficulties. It’s hard for anyone to live the life they lived. Fighting in cold and not having enough to feed themselves or having uncooked, hard or not cooked at all food.  Only the soldiers can understand the difficulties and hardships they went through. Diet is very important for fighting soldiers in coldwinter war yet that was one of the main things they were unable to have. They were not eating to feed themselves rather to survive. It’s fascinating for me that union soldiers used anything they could find to turn it into something eatable. I think when you are not given the choice to eat your favorite food but the choice to either live or die….you cant think of anything but to live as long as can and do the work such as fight in war. Their lives can only be written, explained, analyzed but can never be felt of how soldiers felt back in civil war in cold winter. One thing find hard to live without is brown bread….

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Timothy Rampersaud: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, what I find most fascinating was how dependent soldiers were on coffee. Coffee fueled them to fight these wars and most times it was given to them right before a battle or after the battle occurred. I also found it fascinating that the soldiers used hardtack which is basically a hard biscuit, to increase shelf life while they were on the fields. The Civil War Soldier’s diet mainly consisted of stew with some coffee. Most soldiers got sick from food that was not cooked properly or under-cooked. Their diet was the most important part of the war which is why many believe that they used the caffeine from the coffee to prepare them for the war. Many of the union soldiers used anything to make coffee such as mud and liquids that horses wouldn’t even drink because they were very dependent on it. The food I can’t live without is grapes because I think they are very delicious.

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Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Soldiers are the hero in everybody’s mind because they had gone through the hardship of battle and devoted their whole life to bring the freedom to the people and country. After I read the article, I found the fascinating about the hardtack which are made by flour, salt and water. It can be kept for a long time and it also provided the energy to the soldiers for days. sometimes, I throw away food which I don’t like. By comparing the food soldiers ate during war, I realized that I should cherish the food and don’t waste them anymore. I also found another fascinating that coffee was the important support for soldier during the war. Coffee contain a chemical matter “caffeine” that help and decrease soldiers who suffer in the pain from the war. Therefore, I think that coffee and hardtack are significant things for soldiers live during the battle because they can’t live without them. It is similar that I can’t live without the fruits because it provides the energy and vitamin for me in the day.


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g singh: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What I found fascinating about the articles was that soldiers at that time of war were dependent on coffee. They would drink it before and after marches, during their patrol and during battle. It seemed that from a soldier’s diet the most important thing for them was coffee. It was the last thing soldiers enjoyed before fighting in battle and the first sign of safety for those who survived. Coffee would be one of the things that the soldiers would talk about and drink before going to sleep. A civil war soldier would eat pretty much whatever food available which was needed for survival. Soldiers would also get sick because of the unsanitary food preparation so better cooking techniques were implemented to make for a better cooked meal. Soldiers from both sides also consumed hard tack which was a type of biscuit made from flour and water to prevent hunger.

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Alfonso Gonzalez: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

The civil war was an egregious time for both sides of the war as there were many casualties and constant warfare. Although the diet of coffee and hard tack was especially interesting as it allowed the union soldiers to stay alert and aware during the ongoing hours of the battle. And overall from both articles, it is suffice to say that the supplement of coffee on the union side was a definite advantage to keeping the soldiers energized rather than the beet stews that the confederate soldiers had.  Yet it is also interesting to see that the union soldiers had made coffee with almost anything considering they used pond water, mud, or even liquids horses wouldn’t even drink to stay alive and awake throughout the war. In my case I cannot live without eating is pineapples, it’s my favorite fruit and it does a lot to keep me enthralled in it’s sweet sometimes sour taste.                          

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