“The Ameica”

After watching the short video ”The American ” by Robert Frank, the most of his photography I felt was artistic, bleak and also political. Many photograph of Robert Frank reflect how the daily people live in America after the world war II. From the picture, you can see that the bleak society the people live in and they were facing unfair treatment or they didn’t have same equal right because their race issue. In addition, from the tour of exhibition by peter Galassi, he mentioned that the serious problem “ racial segregation” before the civil movement. One political photo was surprise me, the African-American women was holding a white baby. However, Frank also confused how come the white American women could trust the African-American women to take care of her baby, but wouldn’t have a dinner next to her or on the bus. In conclusion, Frank’s photograph shows that how bleak society the different race people lived in and  how their feeling because they were facing the problem that didn’t have same equal right as the white people have.

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