In my opinion, I believe taking pictures on a cell phone is more convenient and that is why so many take pictures with their cell phones instead of an actual camera. It is an easier way to communicate with family and friends. Nowadays with the way technology is advancing every single day, the producers are making it easier for just anyone to be able to take a really good picture. With the new development and features in phones, any photos taking by the latest model of phones will come out almost professional like. Another reason why taking pictures on a phone is more convenient is communication. With the addition of so many media outlets, it is faster and easier to share a video clip or a quick snap of a picture to the world, and share your experience with them with just a touch of a button. I believe cameras will still be around for a very long time, because it still gives you the feeling of being a professional photographer for example when is one is traveling. I personally own a smart phone that takes really good pictures and I also own a camera. I rather take pictures with my smart phone, because it is easier to manage and always available, quick and easy.
Contact Information
Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Mon 10-11 am, Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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Photographs definitely has communicative powers. It is the most popular form of communication of todays age. Photography has always been a tool that helps us to communicate our perception of life. It gives us that fast option of communicating the small moments that we appreciate to others. Sharing photos has enabled us not only a way to communicate but allowed us to change the way others feel or see things in life. Phones have definitely made this more convenient for us; we’re more inclined to send a photo rather than type a message. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Cameras are certainly advancing in time, they have created settings and the great quality that enables us to capture beautiful photos without any hassle, like using a DSLR. This has certainly allows us to be more creative with our photographs.