Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photography

If Trajan had a smartphone ...

If Trajan had a smartphone …

In this first homework I would like you to introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the two links below: one is a short Time article on the new iPhone 6s campaign and the other is a parody commercial for the iPhone 5. Apple increasingly makes use of amateur photographs produced on their products for their ad campaigns. The comedian Adam Sacks produced a spoof commercial when the iPhone 5 was released that highlighted food photography, an obsession of many who take pictures with their phones. What do you think of phone photography? Do you think easy access to cameras makes people more creative? Do you think of smartphone photographs as art?

1. Read the “Apple Drafts More Everyday People” Time article here.
2. Watch a parody ad of the “iPhone 5” on Food Photography here.
3. Post to share what you think about taking pictures on a phone, you may post an image if you wish. (To learn how to do this, following the “Blogging Guidelines” above) ***click category “Student Post” not “Homework”***
4. Comment on a fellow student’s post (short 50 word comment is OK).

Don’t forget to log in to your OpenLab account (you need an active CityTech email account to register and confirm your OpenLab account) and join the class (request membership on the Profile Page!) in order to create a blog post.

See instructions on how to “post” and “comment” under “Blogging Guidelines” above.


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44 Responses to Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photography

  1. philipl12 says:

    Technology has advanced far enough to the point where we have a fairly decent camera packed into our cellphones. I like the idea of using a phone camera to take pictures. Its fast, easy, and can result in some great pictures. It also has helped us express who we are as individuals by making it very easy to snap a picture and share it directly from the source i.e. Snapchat and Instagram.
    There will be people who disagree and think pictures taken from phone cameras aren’t very good. That may be true in some instances but that isn’t the purpose of a phone camera. Standalone and professional cameras still exist for this reason.

    • Kelly says:

      I totally agree with Philip. As said in my response, I also agreed that it is fast and easy. It is also handy to carry around because who doesn’t have cellphones nowadays? I would only feel that photography perfectionist would think that the smart phones quality isn’t as nice because they are used to using professional cameras.

    • janettechan says:

      I totally agree with Philip because phones have not completely replaced standalone and professional cameras. The idea of using a phone camera is really user-friendly because it is fast and easy to use. The phone camera exists for people who want to capture and share moments on social media. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and people will view things differently. It’s just a factor of those people’s views and their perspectives on things.

  2. Kelly says:

    n my opinion, I think phone photography comes in handy. It is an easy access to take pictures if you don’t have your professional cameras or other cameras around. Phone photography may or may not be creative depending on the person that’s taking them and the audience that are looking at them. Some people may just use their phone to take pictures and it’s whatever to them. Based on the “The iPhone 5 is for Food Photography” many use it to take pictures of their food and it looks amazingly nice. The iPhone has such high quality, no one would’ve known it was taken from an iPhone. Some people actually use it to take nice pictures and uses smart phone as a substitute for professional cameras as some people may not be able to afford it. So it can be a beginner’s tool. Personally, I think anything can be art but it depends on the audience to judge.

    • Ryan F. says:

      I agree Kelly, I feel that the camera on the newer phones could be a beginners tool to many people. It could potentially “invite” people to start taking artsy style pictures who wouldn’t have even give it a thought if it weren’t for this fast, easy camera in their pocket. This also gives people the share certain times in their life that they feel other people would like to see as well.

    • Yehia Sadek says:

      Yes, it is a great learning tool. you dont need to save up for a 500 dollar camera. just take out your phone and play around with the composition. phones like the LG G4 allow you go into manual mode just like with a dslr and play around with the exposure, manual focusing, color temperature and you can even shoot in RAW.

  3. Dayana Amaya says:

    I agree with you Philip. It is true that having a camera in our phones is very useful. Like I mentioned in my post, I feel that it is amazing to see how technology and the use of cameras has gotten better and increased throughout time. Having a camera on our phones helps us express what we are feeling and what we want to say throughout the use of photos. Some on the other hand, just enjoy having a camera on their phones in order post pictures on facebook or instagram and post videos on youtube and snapchat. But, whatever the case is, cameras have changed the way we view things nowadays. Although, not all phones give a perfect and clear quality picture, they do help in taking a photograph in seconds, not like during the 1800s where none existed.

  4. dino says:

    In my opinion, cell phones have put taking pictures into another level. Not only are we able to send pictures to friends, we’re able to send pictures to people around the world with a click of a button. Of course as humans we took the technology and made it into “look at what I’m eating” type of situation but that’s what life is about, helping people become closer through food pictures all over your Facebook Lmaoo. Cell phone pictures have made relationships happen through the means of dating sites such as tinder. Women and men send pictures of themselves everyday and every second their’s a new date or couple happening. In a serious note, cell phones have help allow people to get news such as pictures of celebrities in matter of minutes, instead of waiting days for a newspaper to be print out, it’s in your news feed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and sometimes Snapchat. You can’t hate humans for transforming a cell phone into a selfie machine, it’s what we’re program to do.

    • cindia2010 says:

      Hello Dino. I agree with you, technology has really impacted the photographic world. Not only are people taking more pictures but they are appreciating photographs more as well. I think the reason people take pictures of food and share it on facebook like you said is because it is astonishing how even a picture of food can be so significant to the photographer as well as people viewing it. This just shows that pictures are not only capturing a moment of your life but they portray a story by which the pictures of food people try to deliver different messages. Maybe some people want to actually show off their food. Some maybe want to show their wealth through expensive plates of food. I also agree that Cell phone images have helped the news, because when something happens the first thing people do is take out their cells phones to capture the event. It has helped people view a scene exactly how it happened.

    • DIANA REYES says:

      I can totally agree with you, Dino.
      Cell phone photography has expanded and its thanks to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, snap chat etc. It how people meet nowadays we don’t visit social events anymore is all about being on your phones and just texting getting to know one another by just sending a photograph.

    • yasmin says:

      Hello Dino, I totally agree with you, sending pictures to people all over the world. that’s what I usually do. I send pictures of me and my kids to loved ones back home. my grandmother always asks me” please whenever you take picture of the kids please send them to me ASAP”. I’m glad to have a high tech phone that can send photos and keep our distant family updated in less than a minute.

  5. jean says:

    I agree with some of my classmates iPhones have really connected the world in a short amount of time if you think about it. We went from flip phones to smart phones within a couple of years. I guess pictures are a part of our society now, we take pictures of anything and of anyone or something that attracts us. Such as the video shows food is one of the top priorities we decide to take pictures and for most people even myself helps us acquire something that we look back on or show people somewhere we went to or ate. I think of phone photography as fast and creative because you don’t have to struggle with a big camera when you have a device that fits your hand and you can have fun with it. From adding filters to different colors.

    • cmorris says:

      I agree with Jean. I went from a flip phone that took pictures that were not clear enough to show your friends and family to a smart phone that has pictures so crisp and clear! The convenience of having a phone in your pocket that you can take at a moments notice is a huge plus. There are many moments captured now that we didn’t have access to 10 years ago. We used to have to carry around a camera with a case that took up space in your bag or purse. Now you just slip your phone into your pocket and take pictures any time you want. Its also fun to be able to flip through your phone and send pictures to your friends and family instantly through text or email. I have lots of family over seas that feel like they are part of a family party because I email or text them during the event. The convenience of a having a camera on my phone is truly an amazing invention.

  6. Luciano says:

    Through My personal experience with using the IPhone, I find that not only does it allow users an egress to connect ideas and photos, but also cultures and lifestyles. The Internet in conjunction with pictures have aloud a much faster platform with a much more understanding world, in comparison to just a little over a decade ago and is only advancing for the better in my opinion. It has also aloud access to old memories that date back as far as you’ve had the devise, which fits just fine in a pocket. Ingenuity at its finest.

  7. cmorris says:

    Homework #1:

    Hi! My name is Chana Morris and this is my first semester at City Tech. I am just starting my Bachelors in Nursing. I hope we all have a wonderful and successful semester together.
    Having a camera on your phone and in your pocket is both good and bad. I appreciate and find it amazing that you can capture precious moments at any time. The convenience is truly remarkable. I think people that didn’t think they had a knack for photography may have found a new talent just by having a clear and sharp phone in their pocket. People are more creative with their photos especially having apps with filters to enhance the color of their pictures. I think some of the photos taken can definitely be art. Art is personal and appreciated in very different ways. Pictures taken on your phone are almost always clear and beautiful. People get creative and take all kinds of pictures outside and inside. They do not need to carry a huge camera and bulky case. A camera can be slipped into your pocket, take beautiful photos and send to family and friends instantly.
    The downside of having a good camera in your presence all the time is that you forget to enjoy the moment. Someone is usually snapping a picture and trying to capture moments that can be enjoyed and kept safe in your memory. Not every second has to be documented by photographs.
    But for the most part I appreciate that I have a phone in my pocket with an amazing camera to use at any given time.

    • I agree with Chana Morris, people do tend to forget of enjoying themselves than taking pictures of food and just other things that can be more enjoyable thaan just taking a picture. i also agree that the good side about iPhones is that is very light instead of carrying the big heavy cameras all the time but instead iPhones or any smartphone advice. It has became a trend of apps and filters being involve with photos, photographs is not only photography but has also become a new art.

    • Abdel says:

      Completely agree with Chana. Art is personal so it has a uniqueness to it that no one can ever pin down and claim that one thing isn’t art. Heck we saw double Mona Lisa Peanut Butter Jelly by Muniz I bet to a little kid it would look like messy food but to us after taking moment to really look will appreciate it as art. So same philosophy with phone photography. Phone photography lets us instantly capture any moment anywhere given we take the effort to take that picture. Art is all around us we just have to look.

    • amok says:

      I agree with Chana Morris, phones are accessible and have such amazing features that one can edit and fix to perfection under a few minutes. Phones can be used to capture an important moment in your life or even when you take photos it can be so high quality it can be viewed as art. Although phones are accessible and light to carry it may lead you to forget to live in the moment. With this I agree with Chana that phones are both a blessing a curse at the same time. While you are trying to capture the moment you’re forgetting to experience it firsthand.

    • Luis Molina says:

      I agree with you Chana. Phone photography can be considered art because of the effect it can have on people. Since we have our phones with us all the time, we can put aside all the social media and texting by expressing ourselves through taking pictures. Many have found it to become a hobby and they inspire others to be creative as well.

  8. Through my experiences using an iPhone, I love the fast technology of taking a picture and uploading it to i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Also, its the quickest way to send someone a picture. If we date back to the 1900s when we didn’t have phones with cameras or just phones that couldn’t take clear cut pictures as an iPhone can, we would have to wait to develop these pictures. With technology today we can get them in a snap of a finger. From flip phones to smartphones, iPhone has connected the world in such a short amount of time. Cell phone photography has expanded and pictures are a norm in the world we live in today. Pictures of any and anything such as food like the video showed are a part of us whether we like it or not.

    • ljagroop says:

      Hi Reiana, I fully agree with you statement. That is one of favorite things about using the cellphones to take pictures. There is no faster way to then to share and recieve picture information then through this process. Just imagine still having to develop your own pictures, pictures would still be new to the world.

  9. Cherif says:

    Hello Prof.Cheng and fellow classmates

    My name is Cherif and I have this class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am a freshman who is currently majoring in Liberal Arts.
    I think phone photography is great because people can take good quality pictures and not have to carry the bigger Cannon-like cameras. More moments can be shared with others and people can save money. For some people, they may become more creative because of filters and other camera apps but majority of people just becomes more annoying because they start to take pictures and snap chat every single moment of their life. When I think of art I usually think of paintings and sculptures but phone photography is also art because art is simply a form of expression.

    What I got from the spoof video is that Iphones and other electronics is disconnecting us from having special moments with our loved ones because we are busy attempting to impress others. What I got from the article is that taking photographs of her daughters using her Iphone 6s helped her emotionally.

    Technology is bringing people closer together and at the same time disconnecting us from having real world connections with real people.

  10. Destinee Pierre Louis says:

    Using an iPhone the technology is faster, but it also is amazing that you can take good quality pictures and that now u have snapchat , Facebook etc which when you take a picture you have filters . Art has evolved for example , with phones like taking a picture of food or anything , it shows creativity and your own style . Also taking pictures can hold a lot of memories and time you shared with others . It’s like you have the whole world on your phone that can just fit in your pocket .

    • Wendy.h says:

      I agree with Destinee, art really has evolved when it comes to using iPhone cameras for picture taking. Now a days, anything can be consider art as long as its pretty and eye popping with lots of bright colors. Something unexacting can happen at any moment or appear at any time of day, and you want to capture that moment, all you have to do is pull out your phone and take a pic. Its ever lasting as long as the picture doesn’t get deleted.

  11. janettechan says:

    As technology progresses, phones are becoming a necessity in the society we live in today. The one thing that people can’t seem to get enough of, is posting photography on social media. Phone photography is something extremely innovative and convenient. Although it has been around for some time now, the quality of the pictures taken weren’t all that great. Only recently in these past few years has the quality of the camera on mobile devices improved. It allows people to capture on the spot moments on their mobile devices instead of having to carry around a separate camera. It just happens to be that the one thing people enjoy using these cameras for is taking and posting pictures of their food on social media. Instead of purchasing an expensive camera, the iPhone provides an alternative method of taking quality pictures with its 8 megapixel camera. This generation will provide enough pictures of food for a lifetime.

  12. Abdel says:

    Hi! My name is Abdel Rizk. I am the section that meets only once a week on Mondays. This will be my last semester at City Tech as I transfer to another college for my bachelors. I hope to have a great time in this class while learn a few things about photography. Having read the article on the new iPhone 6s campaign I found it interesting and the pictures taken were actually artistic and surprisingly good quality. I think that phone photography is amazing because everyone who holding a smart phone can capture moments in time that are breath taking or heart breaking with a press of their fingers.

    I think phone photography has made us work on being more creative because when we aren’t gifted by nature or natural events sad or happy moments we learn to stage them and capture such moments. By learning to create these situations just to make use of our cameras we are always thinking of taking amazing pictures that make ourselves or loved give off a message to the world because a picture can tell a thousand words.

    When I think of art I think of it as a form of expression of our ideas, feelings, aspirations, and even regrets. If someone can convey any of these through a picture from their smartphone I say that it can only be classified as art. Even some of those food pictures you take is art because your sharing something that you like to the world.

  13. I’m a sophomore in City Tech, I major in Computer Information.

    Its interesting to see how technology has evolved to suit our own needs, and especially with way we use it express to ourselves. We use our cameras on our phones to let people know, How we view our world and Why it matters to us. In the article of “Apple Drafts More Everyday …”, allows for people to become who they always want to be, and every way they can and this helps people to relief stress and become apart of something, Apple welcomes open ideas because it renovates art, photography, and as well creativity. But the parody video in away makes fun of how we use our devices because probably the same content we all like to provide, as well how constantly people are taking photos of ourselves, making seem well want to be apart something.

    In my opinion, I believe that cameras is the next new thing for generations to come and can allow to express and protect our ideas and beliefs by taking photos that we all can joy and learn something out of. Even though people will be harm by these images, because it will send a wrong meaning, we all can still learn about the pictures taken to know that particular individual or group. In way, people take pictures to let know what they see and what they post, and little by little we are going to understand each other by these images and all will be connected by cameras that can be share around the whole the world, and will be aware of our surrounding and appreciate our form of art.

  14. KevinRuiz says:

    I agree with my fellow classmates technology has a made a positive impacted on the photography world. From what I’ve in the streets of New York are people taking out their phones to take pictures of historic figures and buildings, on top of that they use social media apps to send their pictures to family from different countries so that they could see them. Not only it’s about sending pictures, it’s also connecting them with their family with the use of technology and a mobile device with a camera. If we look back in the mid 90’s to send a picture, it would take a while for your family to receive it like probably a month or so, now with a smartphone we could easily send it within seconds. To us it’s just a regular picture but to your family it could be a piece of art they’ll cherish to see, and technology will keep on evolving

  15. amok says:

    Cell phones over the years have progressed. Something as simple as a cellphone can be turned into a high tech device that can photograph pictures that look professional. Cellphones are accessible and light to carry and at any given point you can capture such an important occasion, just as it was right before your eyes. Based on the “The iPhone 5 is for Food Photography” even if it as simple as snapping a picture of my meal, it looks realistic and has a quality. With an iPhone you can adjust lighting and edit it to perfection. I personally have an iPhone 6s and when I try to capture outdoor settings it surprises me every time. Even though it’s a simple cell phone it creates art. Not only does the cellphone make calls it captures the most important events people have in just a click of a button. Now a days when people are visiting an outdoor scenery, family members or in a social event a cellphone will always be pulled out to savor the moment and the best part, the image is exactly the same as how you see it. Cellphones are not just self-enjoyment it can be a representation of what someone might feel but can’t use words to describe it. Each photo taken tells a story that the photographer wants to tell. With this advancement people can use photos to express themselves without having to physically say it. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words .

    • I agree with amok, the progress of cellphone has truly turn into a high tech device, where back then you had to carry so many device for a special event or moment. Now with a cellphone we can capture anything that comes up and can be cherish with people around us. Having quick access with capturing a picture can depict the form of art and can depict as who we are as individual.

    • Aleecea says:

      I have the Iphone 6s and it takes outstanding photos! Sometimes I look at the phone like I really just took this photo. Its extremely easy to communicate and share with family and friends or right to social media. I guess I’m just an oldschool person at heart because when I say I like photography and want to become better at it I mean I like taking photos with my Nikon, not my phone! lol. I took photography in high school and have been influenced from my father who took it up as a hobby as well and has sick collection of lenses. There is a time and place for everything and I only take it out when I am on vacation or I am going somewhere specific and shooting a location or friends for fun. It’s like a person who calls themselves a DJ but doesn’t know how to use turntables or someone who says they’re a producer but makes beats on their phones. You’re missing the original art of the craft. Just my opinion, but I am all for taking photos on your phone because I do it too!

  16. I also agree with many other students. Due to the rapid progression in technology, it has become extremely convenient to not only take a photo in an instant, but easily able to share it with the millions of people around the world within the blink of an eye. With the use of a cellphone camera it changes the way photography is operated. If one has forgotten their DSLR camera or it is not properly functioning, smartphone cameras are now available. They are equipped with great cameras which snap high quality photos. Whether it is an out door scene, or something as simple as a picture if ones plate, technology now a-day made smartphone cameras sufficient enough to get the job done.

  17. I also agree with many other students. Due to the rapid progression in technology, it has become extremely convenient to not only take a photo in an instant, but easily able to share it with the millions of people around the world within the blink of an eye. With the use of a cellphone camera it changes the way photography is operated. If one has forgotten their DSLR camera or it is not properly functioning, smartphone cameras are now available. They are equipped with great cameras which snap high quality photos. Whether it is an out door scene, or something as simple as a picture if ones plate, technology now a-day made smartphone cameras sufficient enough to get the job done.

  18. Yehia Sadek says:

    Hey guys, my name is Yehia. I have been studying photography for about 3 years and shooting professionally for one of them. if you want you can check out my work on my website which is sadekphotography.com or on instagram which is just sadekphotography

    now the first link, which is the Times article on the new iphone ads, lets look at the pros and cons
    1. it shows of the real quality of the camera on the iphone which gives customers more of an incentive to purchase their phones
    2. they give credit to the, hopefully aspiring, photographer which both encourages them to keep shooting and also drives customers or just interested people to the photographers social media.
    3. It makes the entire company look a little more human and more friendly by using their customers to speak for them.
    1. not everyone is a photographer so those people wont care about the quality of the camera
    2. to be honest some photographers, not including myself, might get a little angry that apple is making it easier for the average person to be able to take pictures or make them feel like they can take high quality pictures with their phone so they will no longer need a photographer to take pictures of the wedding or large events which really is what is happening now. however i believe that no matter how good the quality of the camera gets. its about the photographer not the camera that you use. you could be using a canon 5DSr but if you dont have any talent or if you dont know anything about photography then 8/10 of those pictures are going to end up pretty bad.

    now for the second link which is the spoof of an iphone commercial is really just that, a spoof. the maker is pretty much over exaggerating what some people think about amateur photographers and their pictures of their food that fill up the news feed.

    Honestly I have no problem with people using their phones to take pictures. I do it a lot of the time. most of the pictures on my Instagram are taken on my phone. Its better than carrying an extra DSLR around or even a good quality point and shoot. using a phone is much more convenient. is a DSLR better? of coarse it is but its not ideal to be carrying it around on a normal days commute just in case something photo worthy pops out at you.

    • Leidyane says:

      I agree with you Yehia how the phones are a easier carrying device to take pictures rather than just carrying a big camera. I also agree with you on the part where you said that not everyone is a photographer so they really wont care about the camera quality. Because of this that is why people take pictures like is nothing. Someone that is a photographer will choose what to take a picture of wisely.

  19. Leidy says:

    Hello my name is Leidy and I am in ARTH 1100-D400 Tuesday and Thursdays 10am-11:15am. My opinion about taking pictures on my phone is that it is a good device for now in days to use to take pictures because you can just pull it out and hit the button, unlike a camera where you have to carry with you and is bigger than your phone. But I believe that a phone is not photography because even though you can take pictures with your phone it does not have the same quality as a real camera. It don’t have the same effort as when you take a camera out and angle it to get that nice shot. As with the phone you can easily just take pictures and have loads of it in your phone but it don’t have that same meaning as with the camera. Photography now has lost its meaning because of all the iPhones and other camera devices.

    • I agree that pictures on a phone shouldnt be hailed as real photography because even though some phones now come with more settings to play around with you could never get the precision or flexibility with a phone then you could with a camera and is why i believe phone photography is a sort of introduction into the real world of photography.

  20. Hello my Name is jeremy morales in Arth 1100 tuesday and thursdays, i believe thatas technology progresses so should our view on the world and many people may agree with this but i feel the advantage of taking photos with a phone is a huge step forward, and with higher resolution cameras being available to many people it is a lot easier for a family member to share photos and videos to relatives that live halfway around the world.

    Another great part about phone photography is now there are many editing features and apps that are available to help enhance an image or even distort it, a feature that a lot of cameras dont have. The sheer functionality of cameras on phones is magnificent and a lot easier to use then a lot of large cameras that require a lot of information before you get a great photo, the camera on phones, especially the iphones gives the professional skill of photography to a 10 year old without all the complicated processes of setting it up yourself.

  21. ljagroop says:

    Hello all, my name is Lakshmi Jagroop. This is my 2nd year at New York College of Technology. This is my first time taking a Art History class, so i didn’t know what to expect, but so far so good.

    1. What do you think of phone photography?
    As I see it, phone photography is the most convenient way of capturing a moment without the hassle of lugging around a heavy DSLR with extra batteries a bulky case. Sometimes all you need is a quick snapshot of a scene. Plus looking around I have seen really nice pictures taken from the iphone.

    2.Do you think easy access to cameras makes people more creative?
    Yes I do think easy access to cameras make people more creative because for some they may not realize they have natural talent within the subjects of art and photography and with such access they can further explore their abilities.

    Do you think of smartphone photographs as art?
    First off I think you have to define art yourself and based off your definition then you can judge. I think everyone has different view on what art is or should be. I know personally my perspective on art is different from normal conventions. For me Art can be anything that makes someone stop and think about the piece and have a connection with it or just something they find beautiful. As for smartphone photography, I do agree with it being a form of art. I know whenever I try and take pictures with an iphone I’m trying to capture something that is meaningful to me whether it being appealing sunset or just my burrito bowl with extra guacamole from chipotle. I don’t feel, as the hardware you take the photo with should define whether something is art or not.

  22. Susie says:

    The conceptual frame work illustrates the partnership among the presumed causes
    (independent variables like- lack of awareness, Ignorance by the
    neighborhood people, Weak policies, Lack of sufficient trained manpower, Inadequate
    funds and so forth) of poor waste management and the
    presumed effects (dependent variables)-what is manifested as a outcome of the

  23. Heather Sava says:

    Hello, my name is Heather Sava and this is my second semester at City Tech and i am majoring in Nursing. I believe that photography can be considered art because you can show your skills by the way you take pictures. I believe that easy access to cameras can make people more creative because once you have easy access to a camera you can take way more pictures and you can be more creative that way. I like phone photography the best because its easy access to a camera and you don’t have to go out and buy a camera to take pictures with it.

  24. Good evening fellow classmates, my name is Deven Guerrero, this is my 2nd semester at City Tech and i’m currently majoring in Hospitality & Management.

    I believe smartphone photography is generally the most interesting form of art in our generation. Smartphone photography allows us to push our artistic assets to higher levels with no limitation. The combination of art and technology will also allow us to develop a form of art that we’ve never seen or produced before. I also believe that new artists and photographers are born from smartphone photography and with the use of social media, one can expose their own expression of art. Smartphone photography is the new generation of art, and it will only continue expanding.

    People’s easy access to camera phones can certainly increase their creativity and inspire them to become aspiring artists. As mentioned in the article, “”, due to Erin Brooks use of the iPhone 6s, her photography is now included in the new iPhone campaign. Ms. Brooks was emailed by Times magazine after posting an artistic photo, captured by the iPhone 6s, on Instagram which included her daughter. That simple email led for Ms. Brooks to find more meaning behind artistic photography, it taught her “so many things about telling a story with an image” and also helped her with her postpartum depression. Because of Ms. Brooks use of smartphone photography, people can be influenced in ways that can implement their creativity and use of art.

    I truly believe smartphone photography is a form of art. Not in the sense of what things can be captured, but the way you can capture it. With a smartphone camera, one is able to implement filters to enhance the photo, control the brightness level, distinguish the angle in which the photo can be taken, and is able to capture technically whatever him or her wants no matter what the setting is. Photos taken by an individual is a true reflection of themselves and only that person has the full understanding of it. Smartphone photography can capture an image with many stories behind it, and inconclusion, these are the factors of why smartphone photography is art.

  25. Good evening fellow classmates, my name is Deven Guerrero, this is my 2nd semester at City Tech and i’m currently majoring in Hospitality & Management.

    I believe smartphone photography is generally the most interesting form of art in our generation. Smartphone photography allows us to push our artistic assets to higher levels with no limitation. The combination of art and technology will also allow us to develop a form of art that we’ve never seen or produced before. I also believe that new artists and photographers are born from smartphone photography and with the use of social media, one can expose their own expression of art. Smartphone photography is the new generation of art, and it will only continue expanding.

    People’s easy access to camera phones can certainly increase their creativity and inspire them to become aspiring artists. As mentioned in the article, “”, due to Erin Brooks use of the iPhone 6s, her photography is now included in the new iPhone campaign. Ms. Brooks was emailed by Times magazine after posting an artistic photo, captured by the iPhone 6s, on Instagram which included her daughter. That simple email led for Ms. Brooks to find more meaning behind artistic photography, it taught her “so many things about telling a story with an image” and also helped her with her postpartum depression. Because of Ms. Brooks use of smartphone photography, people can be influenced in ways that can implement their creativity and use of art.

    I truly believe smartphone photography is a form of art. Not in the sense of what things can be captured, but the way you can capture it. With a smartphone camera, one is able to implement filters to enhance the photo, control the brightness level, distinguish the angle in which the photo can be taken, and is able to capture technically whatever him or her wants no matter what the setting is. Photos taken by an individual is a true reflection of themselves and only that person has the full understanding of it. Smartphone photography can capture an image with many stories behind it, and inconclusion, these are the factors of why smartphone photography is art.

  26. I agree with Jeremy Morales. With the use of smartphone photography, one is able to share every form of photographic art with individuals around the world from family, to friends, to people you’ve never encountered before. I also agree with Jeremy in regards to what he stated, “the iphones gives the professional skill of photography to a 10 year old without all the complicated processes of setting it up yourself.” Not only will a 10 year old have fun with taking photos, but, this is the way an artist is born. If this 10 year old develops a form of art that nobody has exposed before, it can be the beginning of a revolution surrounding art around the world… & this is all due to how it all began, using an smartphone photography.

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