Philip Lin – Shot on iPhone 6S

La Jolla

Hello everyone, my name is Philip Lin and I’m a freshman studying Computer Systems. I think that using phones as a tool for photography is a pretty good idea. When I was growing up, high quality phone cameras didn’t exist. We were able to take very shoddy pictures though. Nowadays, technology has advanced far enough to place small, high quality cameras into an already high functioning cell phone. Some of them rival point and shoot cameras that were incredibly common in the last decade. Now the average user can snap a decent photo from just about anywhere, with a quick grab of the phone and the tap of a button. Suddenly all these applications started popping up to share any photos the user might have taken. Snapchat for those who share in-the-moment pictures, Instagram for those who enjoy a gallery of their own life, and Facebook for those who want to share photos and everything else.

However, phone cameras are not meant for everyone. For those who want a higher quality photograph, there is the option of using a professional camera such as a DSLR. These can be used to shoot gorgeous photographs but the downside is the bulkiness of the cameras and most users have no need for such high quality.

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One Response to Philip Lin – Shot on iPhone 6S

  1. Dayana Amaya says:

    I agree with you Philip. It is true that having a camera in our phones is very useful. Like I mentioned in my post, I feel that it is amazing to see how technology and the use of cameras has gotten better and increased throughout time. Having a camera on our phones helps us express what we are feeling and what we want to say throughout the use of photos. Some on the other hand, just enjoy having a camera on their phones in order post pictures on facebook or instagram and post videos on youtube and snapchat. But, whatever the case is, cameras have changed the way we view things nowadays. Although, not all phones give a perfect and clear quality picture, they do help in taking a photograph in seconds, not like during the 1800s where none existed.

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