Discussion Topic: Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

Le Voyage dans la Lune- A Trip to the Moon is in black and white the whole time which reminds of old films/photogrpagh my papers use to show me and watch on tv. THe music is loud and catches your attention but it bores some people in todays generation since we are all accustom to hearing people speak in films and movies so it is hard for some to actually stay focused and interested in the flim in my opinion.THe effects and time they sent in making the film presenting is inspring due to the fact that back then they didnt have as much as we do not. They didnt have anything close to the technology that we have to help guide one through the process. It mustve taken them a long time to make the flim.   The Film was rather smooth as well as  photograpghs are. another similar is how the camera works are alike. Photos in the beinging were black and white as in the film. The difference between them is one is moving and the other isnt. flime moves, photographs dont. I dont like films like this but it ws pretty interesting to see it. Its amazing how the film and photographs relate to one another.

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Discussion Topic: Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

I believe that these photographs show a powerful statement of unique events. If you view the photos closesly they look real and you can feel it in my opinion. India it is crowd and I never went there but looking at the ohoto I feel like I was there. to me it shows a statment, show poverty and how clumbed everything is. As for Chernobyl you can definitely see the poverty in the homes and understand that some people have it hard in other places as well. I feel that he is trying to show everything the lives of other people. alot of people can relate to how those people are living in those countries so the statements he is trying to bring forth have a certain connection agmost a crowd that can relate to his photography. I dont think it is catastrophe setting it looks more real and not like a disaster of any sort. I really do think Robert Polidori was trying to show viewers the lives out there, so people can be aware and understand. Basically so his statment can be heard/viewed by tons of people on unique evemts.

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Response to Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

After watching the short film you can see how they tried to make films the best they could and how it was something big for them, back then it was probably the greatest invention and compared to todays films we have come really far. By watching the short film you can relate a lot between early photography and early film. At the beginning of early photography photographs was black and white they didn’t have much definition that would be something similar to the early cameras and film cameras. The difference between the camera and the film camera is that the camera could take one image at a time compared to the film camera that took many images at a time and that’s how it catch movement, not as compared to todays cameras but for the technology back then it was something huge after the invention of photographs specially the “effects” they had created in films.

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Response to Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

Many photographers have their style of photography and Robert Polidori has his own and unique style of taking photographs. In my opinion I think Polidori’s photographs are a powerful statements of unique event but he also anesthetize historic events. I say this because Robert Polidori not only focuses on taking photographs of catastrophes like the photographs of destroyed homes in New Orleans after the hurricane Katrina. Polidori also photographed the crumbling decadence of mansions in Havana, he also photographed the restoration of the palace de Versailles, so his photographs are more of a unique art. When reading the interview you can tell that he is a photographer with different ideas, he said that he is attracted by things that are more unlike him, so the photographs that he takes has nothing to do with his personality but with his way of seeing art, which is why he says it does not bother him when people describe him as a “connoisseur of chaos” that also explains why his photographs catastrophic events.

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Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

The film “A Trip to the Moon” by Georges Méliès does have some aspects of practices that early photographers used. There was a lot of editing and special effects that photographers used to make their photos how they thought would look perfect, in their eyes at least. Some of the special effects were pretty good for a time when special effects was something hard to create since it wasn’t as easy as it is now and days with computers and so on. I especially like how they made the moons face look like it was crying when they landed on the moon, like saying they hurt the moon with the impact. The special effects weren’t that bad in “A Trip to the Moon” by Georges Méliès especially when they landed on the moon and the guy opened the spaceship door. Main difference between the photographic camera and the film camera is that the film camera captured movement extremely better when the photographic camera didn’t do that so well. Some similarities is that they both showed that there were limits with the old cameras and film camera, both not being able to work in the dark or being able to record for a very very long time or take a lot of photos.

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Discussion Topic: Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

I believe Polidori’s work is really interesting. I always have some kind of respect for photographers who use old techniques, like the large-format camera, maybe because I first learned how to use analog photography before starting using a digital camera; however I also believe the quality of the pictures is different. Right now, there is no digital camera that can match the resolution of a large-format one. This specific series of photographs, specially the New Orleans ones, reminded me somehow the movie “I am legend”, because even though you can see no people inside the frames, you get a very good idea of how they are, with the objects they have at home, the way they are arranged, etc. It is like having a portrait without the subject. No matter how somebody try to detach himself from the objects used everyday, or try to explain that the personality is not defined by the things we use, the photographs just show the opposite. Somehow, the pictures of the city in India, and the houses are a portrait of humanity, and the way we arrange ourselves in the space we use everyday. I don’t believe that he is doing something bad, as somebody said about the New Orleans pictures, because natural disasters are just part of the world; I just think people sometimes feel uncomfortable about sharing their privacy with the world.

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Response to Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

Robert Polidori photos are interesting and they seem to capture the image for the image, almost like straight photography in a way. There is no tricks the image is simply speaking for itself, giving off a sense of space and depth. Also Roberts photos show different amount of colors in the objects, whether its buildings, or the people that aren’t the completely focus, but they are there. The camera is insane and seems to do the job right. The image doesn’t require people, doesn’t require a person to be the main focus, but needs to have a successful grasp to life to the message its trying to translate. A person can get a feeling through the images in a room or the objects position, i mean everyday of our life we walking through hallways and view cityscapes and get a feeling. Emotions are always being portrayed, and delivered in different ways, this is where the expression, ”a picture is worth a thousand words.” It comes to show that a photo doesn’t need a person to deliver a feeling. I admire some of his works are give off this depth of field and i can picture the range of the shot and just imagine myself in the photo. This is one photography i can admire and deeply look into, to learn and understand more on how he sees photography. 

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Reaction to Nina Katchadourian’s iPhone photos

I honestly can not believe this. Although i must admit she is very creative with the complete idea of using basic materials as artistic tools to create a photo, but this photos are not successful. There ridiculous in my opinion and in a way i see it as a form of mocking the 15th century forms of art. I’ve never was able to grasp the idea of someone becoming famous or grow from glory, by creating art through trash in one form or another. In this case using toilet paper and all those other materials did look and seem like a great idea, but i just cant agree on the success or the feel it gave off. Am going to stick to my view on this being a formality of mocking and just a joke. Also the whole idea of using an iphone, an iphone of all form of cameras, an iphone, i simply cant truly accept that idea of being a professional tool of photography. The photos would have been better off being drawn by crayons. Yes it sounds harsh, but its just honestly in the kindest manner i can give. I don;t like them, and they don’t give off the right vibe.

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Response to:Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

The first science fiction film A Trip to the Moon used special effect in the early film. This film reminds me some practices of early photography. The whole film is black and white which like the early photographs. Its focus is kind of soft as similar as the photographs produced by the Calotype. However, I’m not sure the soft focus is due to the restoring from the original one. Like the early photographs, each scene used different theme for the setting. Compare the photographic camera with the film camera, photographic camera is in a small size and capable of moving around. However, photographic camera only takes one picture per shot, whereas the film camera is capable of taking more than one per second. And that’s why we can see the movement of objects in the film. Photographic camera and film camera are both easy overexposure. Special chemicals are required for developing images, and each image must be developed before an image can be seen

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Response to: Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

I think Polidori’s photographs aestheticize the settings of catastrophe and also are powerful statements of unique events.  His photographs are not just simple record the event but full of expression. Polidori has a series of photographs that captured the aftermath of the natural disasters. These images show us the power of nature, and we can do nothing for it. It’s kind of reminding us the limitation of the human being. He hasn’t capture any people in his series, only show the destroyed part or room caused by the disaster or accident. In my opinion, it draws your attention to the settings of catastrophe. The image could reduces the powerful effect if capture people in it. This is because the contrast between the life and lifeless they balance the whole image. In other hand, he makes the image like art. For example, the image, Control Room, Reactor 4, Chernobyl, the purple and the shadow are very well matched, and make a dramatic effect. In Polidori’s other series, he’s also capture the room, and focuses on the powerful beauty of the Palace of Versailles. Each image is rich in detail, and the layers of the room are unique. From all the rooms he’d shot, Polidori is to reveal the object’s original state with his ideas.

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