Author Archives: superartist

About superartist

If I had to describe photography in one word it would be life. life is just like photos and each moment you take is another part of your life's story. maybe it doesn't have to be your story it could be someone else's story.

Discussion topic: Photography and early film

“Le voyage dans las lune” by “George melies” there alot of aspects of  of the practices of early photography  . The aspects that I observed in the film was first the use of props and staging . I noticed  that … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright

             According to Conor Risch tumblr is getting some more buzz on their copyrights. The issue is more when it comes to photographers and their work. I think that its a good thing that a … Continue reading

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Old Processes, New Advertising; mixing the old with the new

photography is beautiful and classic and the wet- plate collodion process is such a unique technique that still leaves me in awe. Going back to where photography first was invented this was how the photos were taken and the best … Continue reading

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pictures of pictures: capturing the perfect moments

perfect moments happen to most everyone in this life time. Either one of your family members graduated or someone  just getting married or maybe some one dead. capturing moments with a camera is just like writing in your journal or … Continue reading

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