food and texture h/w

This is what we made in baking and pastry arts class in week 3. Not only that we baked,but also brought back home to share with friends. The bread and muffins stayed fresh and of good flavor. we made herb bread that consisted of fresh basil,fresh chives,dried oregano. The varieties of muffins were blueberry muffin,lemon poppy muffin, cornmeal muffin, cocoa chocolate chips with dried cranberry and roasted walnuts muffin. Everybody in my home enjoyed a lot and was gone in no time. As the baking were done under proper supervision of professor Jacus, the taste, flavor and texture of those bakeries were phenomenal.  can’t wait for next week to do next baking.

Photo HW #1: Photographing and Describing Texture

tex·ture          /ˈteksCHər/       noun

  1. the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Olivier Richon, Spiritual Exercise, 2012. From

Olivier Richon, Spiritual Exercise, 2012. From

For this week’s homework, I ask you to think about the idea of texture in food, and how does one capture texture in a photograph. The key to communicating texture in photography is to pay careful attention to detail. For homework, you get to practice taking a photograph and uploading it to our class website. For example, look at the photograph by contemporary photographer Olivier Richon and note how it gives you a sense of the texture of an egg, an object that we’ll be thinking about a lot this semester. Take a food-related photo (something you made or saw), and upload your photo to the class site with a short 100-word passage describing the texture of your food item.

For step-by-step directions on how to submit a post and how to upload a photo, click on the “Blogging Guidelines” on the header above.