Wednesday Progress Posting #3- March 7

Continue to develop your building:

  • Add sheets for all your floor plans. Name and number them properly. (don’t worry about laying them all out yet)
  • The drawings list schedule should update.
  • Work on finishing the building as follows:
    • Exterior wall from level 1 to roof
    • Basement Foundation wall with perimeter footing.
    • Add exterior Windows – you may need to load some families and customize these
  • Be prepared to work on the floor plan for next class.


Progress Posting for next class

Include a PDF of all your sheets and the Cover and your Revit file

  • Sheets
    • Cover including drawings list (filtered and sorted correctly)
    • Level 1 Plan – includes grid lines, exterior dimension strings, exterior wall (use brick block wall as a place holder – runs from Level 1 to the Roof Level plus 3 extra feet)
    • Exterior Elevations – Number these beginning with A-301.  Include all 4 main elevations (north/south/east/west).  These show Level 1 up to the Roof
    • Building Sections – (optional for this deadline)  Building sections show the foundation wall and basement – so they take up more space on a title block.
  • Modeling Work
    • Grids (make these consistent on all floors – use “Propagate Extents”.
    • Dimension Strings (use aligned and show dimension’s for grid spacing)
    • Exterior Wall (use the BASIC WALL – Exterior – Brick on CMU) make sure the brick is on the outside by drawing clockwise.  Offset this 1′-4″ to 1′-6″ from the grid lines.
    • Floor Slabs (Architecture > Floor > Floor Structural > 3″ LW Concrete on 2″ Metal Deck).  To draw this snap to the outer face of the concrete block in the brick wall.
    • Structural Foundation Wall (Architecture > Walls > Basic Wall Foundation – 12″ Concrete).  To draw this snap to the outer face of the brick.
    • Structural Foundation (Footing)  (Structure > Foundation > Wall > 36″ x 12″)  Snap to the foundation wall.

Progress Deadline for Wednesday at Midnight

You work as a team to determine the dimensions of your case study building but each of you must draw your own Revit files – no sharing of files.  You may share your research.

Complete the following for your case study:  INDIVIDUAL WORK

  • Draw Grids
  • Draw levels
  • Create a titleblock and format the grids – try to use 1/8″ scale

Upload the following to Blackboard by midnight Wednesday

  • Your Revit file
  • A PDF plot of the titleblock with grids.

Be prepared to draw the following during next class:

  • Foundation Wall and Footing
  • Structural Columns
  • Floor slabs – basement to the roof

Re-submission of work for F grades

I generally do not give out F grades unless no work is submitted.  All F grades given were for lack of submission for work.  When I complete the grading and have not received the work – I put in a grade of F – even if we have had a discussion about your handing in the work late.  In general if work is submitted late is will still be graded but the grade is typically lowered. There is a limit to how long after a deadline work will still be accepted.

If you received an F for the connections project – this is because you did not submit.  Please submit as soon as possible and the work will be reviewed for regrading.

If you did not submit earlier work please come see me directly during office hours to discuss it.