Throughout this week’s agenda, I learned how there is an “art” to reading and I would definitely keep that in mind now every time I read. One positive about this week is that it was definitely a wake up call for my brain because I haven’t read this much in months and It feels good to learn new things while I read. However, one negative is the amount of reading we had to do such as the 17 page reading, I would much rather a reading that is short or cut up into parts because whenever I see a whole bunch of pages to read, I instantly get unmotivated to read it and it could cause me to rush through the reading. A connection I saw with the reading came from the passage, “If it weren’t for gravity, I might have floated away” by Olvarez because everything in that passage always came back to the origin. No matter what he does in life from now on has the origin in mind because if he wasn’t desperate into learning about his culture so he would feel at home, he would have never found his passion for writing. I can relate in a way to his concept because there are some things in life where you always think of the past and how it has helped you in the future however it could also harm you in the future. It reminds me to always make wise choices in life because it can always have an effect one way or another.