Working on Project two, allowed me to learn many things as I worked on it. One of the most important things I learned was how the environment surrounding you helps you better reflect. More specifically how Comfort/ Nature and the outdoors plays a major role in deeper thinking. This personally helped me since I didn’t know what really helped me out the most. Personally, I always find it hard to think deeply and come up with new ideas. My thought process is either blocked from the start or I just easily get distracted. This used to usually be the case. However after doing research for Project two I feel like it taught me a lot on what caused those distractions and what blocked my thought process. I never really was concerned about the environment I was surrounded by, and that was a big mistake I was making the whole time. I would be doing my work in the same room as my brother with the tv on and would find myself getting distracted. My brother would speak to me or just make noise and I would continue getting distracted. But after researching I decided to lock myself in my mothers room every time I had to do work. My mothers room definitely helped a lot as there were automatically less distractions. My mothers room also has a bean bag chair where I sit on and do my work, adding comfort. Her room also usually has some greenery which I feel helps a little bit as they aren’t big plants. One of my favorite quotes that I read was, “The ideas we fashion are framed by the places we inhabit, we shape our buildings, and then they shape us” – Winston Churchill. This is definitely true as people tend to build up their own space, which then helps them think and come up with great creations. 

The main audience I want to attract and help them learn what caught my attention, is first year college students that major in an artistic field, weather it be fashion, architecture, music, art, etc. Coming in as a first year college student, I did find some trouble finding a space where I can focus on myself and on my work. This is also a new chapter in these students lives, meaning they need to change their surroundings. Giving these first year students this information is very beneficial as they will be able to transition into this new workstyle in a more smooth way. These students are about to get piles of work thrown at them and they need to figure out a way to manage it all. Teaching them how to set up a space full of comfort and greenery would help them out a lot as they would learn how to manage their work without distractions and would help them remain more at peace. Since this is also targeted for students in artistic majors, teaching them how to set up a space can serve as inspiration. If these students are comfortable they produce better work. Teaching them how to incorporate greenery and nature into their space can also be of great inspiration. There is a lot of artwork out there inspired by nature. Architects are forced to consider nature when designing and incorporating nature in your personal space can allow for a flow of ideas upon ideas. My purpose with teaching them would be just to inform them. I don’t want to convince people to take these steps, then it would feel forced. I just want to provide them with this information and they can choose to apply it to themselves or not. 

The genre I would most definitely choose to provide this information is a youtube video. Since I am a first year student, choosing this genre is a no brainer since I tend to watch a lot of youtube videos whether it be for entertainment or informing myself. Since I am the same age as the audience I am targeting, this genre would definitely relate to the audience’s interest. This is also a more simple way to reach a massive amount of people. 

When expressing this information to this particular audience, I would definitely express it in a joyful tone. There have been plenty of times where I have seen videos and they don’t sound interested or it seems they don’t want to be there. This definitely makes me lose interest at times. Knowing the age of my audience I know this also relates to them as they lose interest quickly. Making sure that their interest is kept would definitely be a main priority when expressing the information. I love watching room renovations or room setups for gamers/ streamers. These videos seem to get lots of views from people the same age as my audience. Creating a YouTube video where I set up my own space would be a great way to express this information as well. This would definitely inspire students to create/ set up their own space full of comfort and maybe greenery.