To me reflection can be physical or spiritual. You can physically observe something and reflect on what it is or means. You can also reflect on yourself, and try to notice what your are ding that’s good, and what you are doing that may not be beneficial. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that reflection is analyzing something or yourself and assessing what attributes you need to keep and what you need to change. When you feel like you aren’t focusing on or there are to many distractions, that’s when you need to seek out a space for refection. As you reflect on yourself your basically meditating, and meditation needs a quiet space. When you visualize what reflection is, it can physically be you staring at a mirror and reflecting on how your want to change your body. It can also look like you staring at a project you are working on and reflecting on what you want to change about it. If it is something internal that you want to change, it can simply look like you lying on your bed and thinking about how you can change yourself. Reflection isn’t limited to to one thing. Even thinking about what reflection looks like, is a reflection.

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