Prof. Duddy ARCH1101.OLC5 | Prof. Rosen ENG1101.LC07

Starting research without answers

This week’s reading about research, “Research Starts with Answers,” tells us that starting our research with answers is a bad idea, and to instead explore and learn to come up with questions. Witte’s article offers us a chance to start talking about what kind of research we will do–both primary research and secondary research. You will have started your primary research when you took your a walk, (or virtual walk), to think about reflection, using Chuck Wolfe’s ideas about writing an urban diary. Here are the questions for us to discuss: what aspects about spaces for reflection do we want to learn more about? As an architecture student, what are ways that reflection is an important consideration in built spaces? What are some places you would consult for your research?


  1. Alvin Kalicharan

    Aspects about spaces for reflection I would like to learn more about is how far are we able to reflection on yourself or anything? Is there a limit? In architecture reflection is an important consideration in built spaces because you need time to review and think about your decisions as you make them on a building because essentially you are creating something for someone else to review and build upon and if there is a mistake, it will be your fault so you reflect on your building to not run into mistakes. Places I would consult for research is the city mainly because the city has so many beautiful buildings that all architects can reflect upon.

  2. Jayda White

    As an architecture student reflection is always considered important. In built spaces, it’s important because when creating something there will always be trial and error. Whether it’s something you don’t like or there’s something wrong. It’s always good to have another set of eyes on a project and always good to reflect on what you have. What will bring this together? What can make it better? When you run into problems you reflect and make sure not to make the same mistake again. Places I would consult for research are mentors, different places with different types of architecture, and even websites or magazines.

  3. Kevin Giron

    The aspects about spaces for reflection I want to learn more about is why those certain spaces gravitates us to think and reflect more. When we find out that answer we can than try to see if there are plenty of other spaces where we can also reflect in and not stay just limited to one space. As an architecture student, the ways that reflection is an important consideration in built spaces is that we are able to reflect on spaces that are already built. We can reflect on the architects design style and try to incorporate that into our own work. We could also reflect on the style being used and create our own design style. Also when we reflect on spaces that are already built, we can get a sense of how the space was used, and if the different spaces are actually functional. When consulting for research, I agree with Alvin, the city would be the best option, especially NYC, since I feel as if it paved the way for other city’s around the world. There is a lot of innovative Buildings in NYC that can teach you new things.

  4. Jody R. Rosen

    These responses do a good job of highlighting the multiple ways we can think about reflection. What I like about the topic is that it has multiple meanings, and that those meanings can resonate with architecture and with writing, and with being a (new) college student. Jayda and Alvin, you wrote about architects reflecting on their work–and that is certainly important, since precision is so important. I like where Kevin is going with his take on reflection. Where are places in NYC that we think of as being for reflection? Let’s generate a list of the most obvious ones so we can then extrapolate to our local spaces or favorite destinations.

    For example, when I want a space to reflect, I love to walk from City Tech through Brooklyn Heights to the Promenade. The transition from hectic civic center to quiet neighborhood helps me relax and think. When I get to the Promenade, it’s such an awe-inspiring view, and I can walk along looking at the water, at the light reflecting off skyscrapers in Manhattan and off the water in the harbor.

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    (“Panoramic Promenade” by Terry Jinn,

    To me, it’s the juxtaposition of the hectic area around City Tech to the quiet neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights, to the quiet but majestic scene at the Promenade that helps me reflect on whatever it is I want to think about. The sensory experience is so important–the quiet, the motion of walking, the shifts in light. We can think about how the build environment interacts with the natural environment, and to what effect.

    Anyone else have an example that we can think about places for reflection?

  5. SiniaB

    As an architecture student, some ways that reflection is an important consideration in built spaces are because if you take time to reflect you may notice some things that could be critiqued or completely changed for the better. When in the process of building something, there might be some mistakes and those mistakes can go unnoticed if you didn’t take time to reflect. Some of the places I would consult for research would be observing the most known buildings that people admire for many different reasons and the tall buildings in Manhattan. This method of research would be helpful by getting to put ideas together by viewing different types and styles of buildings.

  6. Angie

    As an architecture student, reflection plays an important role in our career. First off, nobody is perfect, and from mistakes we learn. In order to improve skills, one must always reflect and analyze errors, and think of how can it be improved for next time? By reflecting, we learn to point out good things and also bad things from our work. Some places where I would consult my research is in a tourist attracted area, such as the city because there are many fascinating buildings. That each have a different architectural style and patterns. Another form of research can be online, by visiting blogs and articles strictly based on architecture.

  7. shantal tapia

    As an architecture student, reflection is a main thing to keep in mind. In built spaces, reflection is very important to consider because you need to think carefully about how to decide the process of how the space will be used. The architect will not be the only one going over the decisions he or she makes, but others will also be reviewing the plans made, which is why it would be helpful to have the input or advice from others. Places I would consult for my research are mainly in the city because there many different types of styles that can be found.

  8. Stacy Amaya

    spaces to research and learn more about would be what the space would be used for and how you can travel in between those spaces. What will be in them and how the space will be used and what is the idea you want people to feel when in these spaces would be the main ideas we would look into. As an Architect student When creating these space me and many others would take into consideration of these spaces because every space has a significants a space for others to reflect upon themselves to give them that space that one needs. Spaces I would consult to would be in huge structures and areas that are open.

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