11-22-17, final annotated bibliography: You will have at least 8 sources and annotate 5 of these sources. You are required to include the following TYPES of source unless you get permission from us because your topic doesn’t apply.
- 1 NYC or U.S. government data source
- 1 historic or contemporary newspaper source [Consider the NY Times, Historic or historic Brooklyn Daily Eagle]
- 1 book or book chapter
- 1 archival image [for your final presentation, you will need to find a current image to compare to]
- 1 archival map [for your final presentation, you will need to find a current map to compare to]
- 1 published journal or magazine article. You can use higher quality blogs like Brownstoner but we’d prefer a published article
- extra points for archival or other visual content like maps or photos or ephemera when appropriate
content examples:
- archival object or image, e.g. postcard
- archival newspaper article
- archival map
- archival letter or manuscript
- current newspaper article
- current scholarly source
- current book
- current map
- current website with statistics or data, e.g. NYC Dept. of City Planning Zoning data
Create a citation for each source, formatted using MLA Style.
Write a 75-100 word annotation for at least five items in the annotated bibliography. Use Purdue OWL if you need guidance. Briefly summarize the main idea of each source and provide a brief analysis of how the source relates to your topic and to other sources in your bibliography. Add at least 2-3 keywords or phrases for each annotation. Put the results together into one document. Use EasyBib to help format citations.
- List sources in alphabetical order
- Write in formal academic style (avoid first person “I” statements)
- Avoid excessive quotations; instead summarize ideas in your own words [we know your voice and text that is NOT your voice!]
This is the finale Bib not the link above
Hi Nadia: We are looking for 8 sources with 5 annotations. You can add these for a higher grade but let us know you’re going to do that.
the second link has 8 sources
thanks Nadia!
Hi Alyssa: We are looking for 8 sources with 5 annotations. You can add these for a higher grade but let us know you’re going to do that. Also, remove the bullet points and revise your citations to come closer to MLA style please. thanks.
Try to find better and varied sources including major newspapers, e.g. NY Times and a map that is more specific to the area.
good library research in addition to other sources, most of which are very relevant
so pls. try to be more specific with the Census data and get the environmental review that is mentioned in the local news blog. If you need help, we would be delighted to work on that with you.
if you are citing a photo, Walentas Building, Sweeney Building and Empire Stores Seen from the East River, we need much more info in the cite. I had to Google it and that’s frustrating.
What did you find out from the Census Bureau? Facts, please.
Look for a message from us. thanks.
sorry, wrong link
this looks very similar to the prelim. annotated bibliography. Do you need more time to write longer annotations and have more and varied sources?
The assignment was for 5 full annotations of 75-100 words. We see only 4 …
try to reach out to the architects for 10 Jay St for the proposal!
this looks like the guidelines for the preliminary bibliography were followed. We are looking for 5 annotations of 75-100 words.
Your sources are good.
excellent sources!
great sources … consider more analytical annotations with more detail. When you do your presentation, bring out salient facts.
Good work! Especially the NYC & Co. content for tourists is useful.
8 sources
You’ve picked a nice variety of sources and you’re clearly making a good effort. Some constructive criticism: we want to always know more about WHEN, for example, the “The Highway in the Air” was a popular song. I quickly read the article from American Eras and it was interesting to know that it was popular in the era that the Brooklyn Bridge was just newly opened. In theory, the song could be from any era post 1883. The same thing could be said about Ruskin. When did he write? How did when he lived affect how he thought about the Gothic? I know these questions are asking you to go into more depth but they add a lot more context into any analysis about the Gothic and Gothic Revival.
We need a fifth annotation. Please let us know when you’ve written it.
About the NY Times article, “Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge,” it makes it clear that the protesters who stayed on the pedestrian walkway were not arrested and those who went on the roadway where cars and other vehicles are were arrested but possibly unfairly since police escorted them there. What was the protest about? Why did they chose the Brooklyn Bridge? That is the question you should always ask.
Your annotations are too brief and need more analysis … For example, the photo in the NY Times, we want to know WHEN this protest happened and WHY.
Not sure how the map you chose supports your topic. I understand that we are asking for a map but if it doesn’t support your topic, we’re flexible.
In your annotation of the Zink book, to be clear, “census” data is not the same as data. You mean to say “data,” not “census data” which is specifically information gathered every 10 years about how many people live in each neighborhood (census tract), borough, state, and metropolitan region in the United States.
Also, use Wikipedia more as a springboard for research, not as a source. The Wilhelm article is a stub and B-class meaning it is not well-developed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wilhelm_Albert_(engineer)
Overall, your sources show that you’re making a good effort with your research and understanding of your topic!
The data on the total number of employees, the employees’ average salary, and the number of wire rope produced by the company from the book is actually taken from the census of 1870. I just forgot to included the year on my bibliography note.
Pls. be aware that when you copy and paste text, that is plagiarism. Your annotations should be written by you in your own words. It is pretty obvious that you did not written some of this. Pls. review the directions … you should use the library and include books as well as archival images.
I’m so glad you finally did this Claire but you didn’t write annotations which are summaries of the sources.