Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Twelfth Post of the Semester (A Tentative Proposal for Unit 3)

For your post assignment over the weekend, you must write a short *tentative* proposal for your Unit 3 assignment.

First, make sure that you closely re-read the prompt for Unit 3:

Second, review this handout that we went over in class:

Third, explore these examples for some inspiration. Note that these examples are not exhaustive!

Finally, write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3.  This proposal should cover the following:

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of how you want to influence your audience. Do you want to teach them something specific? Do you want to change the way they think about a specific issue or topic? Do you want to motivate them to do something? Be as specific as possible, and think about WHY you want to do this.
  • The audience you are trying to reach. Again, be as specific as possible.
  • The genres that seem to you most well-suited for your purpose. Make sure you EXPLAIN why you find these genres especially appropriate.
  • A plan–-How do you intend to get started? What will be your FIRST STEP?
  • Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?

Post your tentative proposal by Monday, 11/13, TWO HOURS BEFORE the start of class.


  1. sonkerry

    The way that I tend to influence my audience is to teach them about the pyramids and how everything is not always what it seems. I will try to convert the audience into being skeptics and start questioning the world. The genre that I think would most suit this ideal would be podcast and science fiction things. I believe that my audience would be people who already question things and I am just here to broaden their minds. I will be doing a podcast script for my Unit 3 assignment becuase podcasts are where most skeptic speak their minds and ideas while giving evidence on why they make certain claims. A podcast is also very easy to keep people engaged whether you are watching it or just listening to it while walking or doing everyday things. My first step in doing this is researching podcasts and how they come to bring up certain topics and everything there is to be known about it. I am not concerned about anything for this project.

  2. GeorgeR

    Over 90 percent of the U.S. population has at least one social media account. This includes children, teens, adults, and the elderly. Social media is a revolutionary tool that has now become mainstream in today’s society, this is because it allows us to connect and spread our ideas and thoughts to people across the globe. However, something that needs to be addressed is that social media can also be detrimental, especially to our mental health. My goal is not to persuade but to inform social media users, more specifically children, and teens about the dangers of social media and how it can have a negative impact on your mental health, and also show how companies mainly target teens and children because they are more susceptible to being manipulated and in turn cause these mental disorders. I feel that the best way to spread this message is to use social media itself because I know that that is where my target audience will be the easiest to reach and that it is well suited for my topic. My first step is to pick the right social media app and then learn how to best use the app and also look at how other people used social media to spread their ideas and thoughts as examples. As of now, there are no concerns.

  3. Nathan Choy

    The way I would approach to influence my audience would be to inform them and show them how important athletes mental health and it is as serious as it seems. I would definitely want to change the way they view this, so they can be more aware on what’s going on, maybe they have a family member or friend that’s close that’s an athlete that struggles with their mental health. There’s so many possibilities that’s why I’m here to make it easier for you and give you all the information you need. The genre that I believe that would work best with this topic would be a podcast and YouTube videos relating. The audience that I’m intending to reach is athlete’s and anyone who is eager to learn about the mind of athlete in general( psychologist). For my unit 3 assignment I will be doing a podcast script, I’m doing this mainly because podcasts are very engaging and I get to freely share what’s on my mind, and it also makes it easier for the viewers to stay engaged whether their on the go or whatsoever, they’ll still be informed. I intend to get started by watching some podcasts myself about the same topic and taking whatever I can and using it for my own podcast. Other than that I am not concerned about this assignment.

  4. Adriano Franca

    I want to influence my audience into learning more about contemporary social issues humanity has been facing (in this case, specifically the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) and persuade them into trying to become better citizens and fight for what’s right. I don’t want to change the way they think about any conflict, I just want to motivate them to learn more before acting/speaking. I want to encourage people to do that because in my opinion it is extremely disappointing that even in 2023, despite all the effort humanity has put into developing ourselves, innocent human beings are suffering due to actions of people in higher power. The audience I’m trying to reach is young adults and adults that are capable of making decisions for themselves. The genre I will be using is infographics because I’ve worked with Canvas before, and I’m used to using templates to convey information. My first step will be to find pictures that speak for themselves so that I don’t need to type a whole lot in my infographic, because in my opinion, the more words an infographic has, the less people want to look at it. One thing I’m worried about is not finding relevant statistics to use in my infographic.

  5. Bjorni Hasan

    In today’s online world, where everyone’s hooked on videos, especially on TikTok and YouTube, I’m thinking about making a video. I don’t want it to be short or too long, I am thinking around 3-4 minutes. I want to share real facts about electric cars because, just a few weeks ago, I was confused about them too. The plan is to not keep it long, sweet, and to the point. I’m aiming for an audience of young adults, the ones scrolling on TikTok and YouTube. Those platforms are the best platforms for these types and cool videos. I believe that the videos are the best genre because of the variety of assets you can include in them. I will put graphics, pies, chats, and numbers. Also, I have the ability to use the desired type of script with the best info there is. I want them to use this information about electric cars in the near future. The delicate part is making sure it’s easy to understand without creating confusion with the facts. I’ll plan out the script first, making sure it makes sense and keeps people hooked. Hopefully, with a good script and some visuals, I can help people get the best details on electric cars.

  6. Christian Tepepa

    My idea on what I want to do for my audience is clear, I want to inform them about dinosaurs—to be specific, the T. rex. I don’t have a real reason to do it, I just want everyone to know more about the T. rex since misinformation will spread as dinosaurs become more mainstream. I believe I want my assignment to reach a target audience of pre-teens, students with a decent reading level that will allow them to get a basic understanding of what I’ll be talking about. I want to make a “children’s book,” This will probably attract kids who have a great interest in dinosaurs and want to learn more about the T. rex or students who want to complete a research project. I personally feel like other genres would be too easy and I want to make some little drawings if they’re good enough or use images that depict the modern reconstruction of Tyrannosaurus rex. First I’ll gather information that I believe would be important to know, maybe use the information I got from my unit 2 assignment and dumb it down so that even I can understand it. Then I’ll compact different pieces of info into sections in the book and have little diagrams and images that will help whoever’s reading understand the info better.

  7. howard chan

    Over the last few decades, technology and artificial intelligence have advanced significantly, making our lives more comfortable and accessible. However, some still do not trust AI-enabled technology and believe it does more harm than good. In this regard, let me help you to see the potential of artificial intelligence. To those who still doubt the negative impact of artificial intelligence, specifically older individuals, this infographic is for you. While you may not like it, artificial intelligence and AI-enabled technology are the future; given our dependence on technology, supporting its expansion is necessary. An infographic fits my topic best because I can communicate my point quickly. This genre is appropriate for my case because infographics display straightforward information and facts about a topic, perfect for convincing and informing my readers. I am concerned about the visual aspect of my infographic as I do not have much experience creating infographics and how to make it stand out to the reader.

  8. PabloF

    The way that I want to influence my audience is by showing them that even though there is no true form of eliminating stress from your life there are many ways to manage it. I will first start off by creating an instagram carousel since most of the people dealing with stress are always on social media trying to get away from their work. I am going to give them the best advice they can ever get and by doing that I will make it as relatable as I possibly can and will give them techniques that are so simple that even a 5 year old can do it. Then when they realize that it is so simple they are going to be motivated to want to do it everyday and end up defeating the stress that they’ve been dealing with for a while. I want to do this because I know that many people like myself go through a lot of stress and sometimes it can affect how we behave and get things done, but by giving out advice and techniques to deal with the stress our lives can become more easier and we can end up being more happier while also performing at our best. 

  9. Adriano Franca

    I want to influence my audience into believing that at the end of the day, the ones being harmed the most during a conflict are innocent lives and that there’s more important things to worry about than picking side in a conflict, however, I also want to give them a chance to deeply understand the reason why one side is doing what they’re doing and why the other side is doing what they’re doing. The audience I’m trying to reach is high schoolers and active citizens, meaning, those studying a subject about history, and those who are active in politics. The genre I chose was a political cartoon. I chose this genre because I feel like it will be easier for me to portray what I want through a drawing. I also don’t want to be that straightforward. I want people to think about what they’re seeing before jumping to a conclusion. My first step will be to think about what my political cartoon will have and how I’m going to give things a meaning behind them. One thing I’m worried about is people misinterpreting my political cartoon.

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