You have no post assignment due for Wednesday! However, I expect you to do several things to prepare for class:

  1. Review the Unit 3 Assignment page. In particular, take a look at some of the resources I collected to aid you in completing this project and think about what other resources you might need.
  2. If you have not already done so, select which genre you are going to work in for your  Unit 3 Assignment. Think critically about WHY you have selected this particular genre. In other words, how does your selected genre cater to the needs and expectations of your intended audience?

In class on Wednesday, each of you will spend some time searching the internet for a “mentor text”–something you can model your own project off of. If you would rather not use your phone to search the internet, be sure to bring a laptop or tablet.

Be prepared to speak with me on Wednesday about your plans for the Unit 3 Assignment.