Category Archives: Learning Logs

Chris Collins Baby Portrait

  In Chris Collins’ photography of the baby, he uses side light. It’s clear that the camera placement is directly placed in front of the baby model and while the lighting is placed  on the side of the baby position. … Continue reading

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Nicolas Duers

The style of the image has a dramatic with suspense kind of atomsphere when you look at it. The subject has some sidelit along with some glowing light coming from the jewels. It also has high contrast and low key … Continue reading

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  Greg Shapps’ photo of the water gun intrigued me the most because of the strong stream of water shooting out of the gun. That stream creates a straight line that directs your eye the same way the gun is … Continue reading

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Nicolas Duers

Nicolas Duers is a great photographer that prefers to photograph objects,  such as clothing accessories for instance. He lets the object portray it’s own story, by using various photographic techniques.  For example on his website under “personal” he took a … Continue reading

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Batteries In the image I chose from Nicolas Duers we are able to see the sidelight coming off of the batteries. The picture is taken from a birds eye-view, which explains why see the direction of light coming from the … Continue reading

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Cool Things You Can Do With Glass and Water

I chose this photo because i like how the arrangement of a glass of water can actually be arranged in a way to make it a lot more interesting. I also like the viewing angle f this composition. Having it … Continue reading

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I chose this photo because of the relationship between the shoes and the rose, which is to juxtapose two things that are seen as beautiful but actually painful to touch. I like the use of lighting to this end, dark … Continue reading

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Using the Visual elements vocabulary, select a photograph by the photographer assigned to you and describe the style of that photograph including one statement each about lighting, tone and contrast, Focus and depth of field, viewpoint, and space and perspective.

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